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Overkill beta - looking for feedback

if it has the option for apps2sd i am willing to try it...
my first comment is that i see you are using the track ball or something like that to control the game, make sure you add an alternative since some phones dont have any kind of track ball or track bad or dpad... like the evo, the samsung galxies and others.
Sure thing, I'd love to try it. I own a Captivate (modded so I can install 3rd party apps), so if you need a Galaxy S owner to verify it runs smoothly, I'm your man.
Id be willing to give it a try, will do my best to give you some solid feedback.

Ive got a captivate, got it all setup to install 3rd party stuff though.
The accelerometer controls are unusable on Incredible. The ship pretty much just stays at the bottom left of the screen and does not respond to any movement. Uninstalled after 2 min...
The graphics do look a little blurry on the Streak and my A5IT but perhaps (it is less noticeable on the N1's smaller screen) there is potential for a "HD" version in future depending on how well this does (or a sequel!)?
Good idea. It's not too hard to do and could come in a form of an optional add-on. But we've gotta finish this game first :)
Also, the game seems to be approachable by n00bs like me as well so keep the lower difficulty settings where they are.
I'm really happy to hear that because we're always arguing about the difficulty levels. Want to keep it accessible, while most of these older games we're taking inspiration from are insanely difficult.
if it has the option for apps2sd i am willing to try it...
my first comment is that i see you are using the track ball or something like that to control the game, make sure you add an alternative since some phones dont have any kind of track ball or track bad or dpad... like the evo, the samsung galxies and others.
It installs on the SD card by default, takes up around 3.8 MB.
In the video the game is controlled using the accelerometer, but we're working on providing adequate touchscreen/trackball/dpad controls.
The accelerometer controls are unusable on Incredible. The ship pretty much just stays at the bottom left of the screen and does not respond to any movement. Uninstalled after 2 min...
I would love to ask a few questions before you uninstalled it, but thanks anyway, we will look into it.
I've been playing it on and off for the past 2 days or so, and I enjoy it more-so than the other games I have on my droid eris.

A few problems I have come across are... on the easy level the game will force close when I try to Resume a game.. I am on level 2 or 3, cant remember ATM. And it will not let me open the game. The gameplay on the easy level is flawless.

So I started a New Game and put it on the Extreme difficulty level and the screen/game play is tough, but the choppy/laggy screen has a lot to do with that as well. I unclicked all the options excepeted the Orientation option. And Orientation, Sound, Music and Vibration... and also with all options checked... all game play on Extreme is choppy/laggy.

BTW the music is fun. It doesn't 'drown' out the effects of the game and isn't crappy.

Good job so far! Enjoying it.
id love to try it if your still looking for people. it looks great

EDIT: I have Droid X(rooted), so I can give some feedback for that handset.
Huge thanks to everyone for sending in your impressions, some of the reviews are really excellent and we're working hard to polish the game, add missing content and fix the remaining bugs.

Ping me if I promised to send you the game and didn't, I could have easily missed one or two messages, sorry.

To the people who didn't write back, I just want to say that if you didn't like the game, or it didn't work on your device, or an annoying bug ruined it for you, please let me know, I'll do what I can to fix it.
Love this game mate. Works fine on my Hero. Graphics are great - sound is great too. Top notch.

My only suggestions -
1) The shots from my main weapon (the gun) are yellow - and some enemies shots are also yellow. Could the enemies have different coloured bullets? I get confused sometimes as to whether it's my shots or theirs and so I sometimes fly into them as I thought they were mine....
2) An exit button on the main menu is always good :)
3) More upgrade types. I have got to third level so far and I see you have more choices to buy now. But having even more than that (say 4 potential slots for the 'missile slot') would be great so you can customise the ship more.
4) Some customisation with your ship. Different parts to increase speed or something... or just for cosmetics.
5) Would be good if the health dropped randomly from dead enemies instead of floating
6) linked to above... would be better if the money came from shooting enemies instead of those blue/red floating orbs. This gives you an incentive to kill enemies instead of avoiding them and picking up the orbs.

Just my suggestions... overall as it stands the game is great - but considering what I've said above would make it even better imo :D
Any chance of you sending us a "release candidate" for a final review before it's published?

Almost certainly. We're hoping to have an RC in a week or two. For that reason I won't be giving beta version to testers anymore, but I'll send an RC to some of you guys as soon as it's ready.

mattdanielc, thanks again, sent you a PM :)
I know your not looking for new testers/feedback but ill definately be looking out for this game when its finally released very r-type like from looks of video, very nice style of game
Huge thanks to everyone for sending in your impressions, some of the reviews are really excellent and we're working hard to polish the game, add missing content and fix the remaining bugs.

Ping me if I promised to send you the game and didn't, I could have easily missed one or two messages, sorry.

To the people who didn't write back, I just want to say that if you didn't like the game, or it didn't work on your device, or an annoying bug ruined it for you, please let me know, I'll do what I can to fix it.

I got it and I actually completely forgot to report back! My apologies.

All was well on N1. Very fun. Can't wait to see what you do with it next :D
Hi guys,

I'll update you on the progress in a few days when we finally get that RC done. We've got a few more projects in development that require insane amount of work :( we'll sort this out and release the game really soon.
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