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Pc website video to smartphone (android) platform


Jul 12, 2013
first forum ever well almost so be nice. I made some webpages with google point n click website maker for the pc. These web pages have video clips that are MP4 ext.. they don't display at all on my stupid smart phone (have to take it out on something); it's me thats ignorant obviously. So can anyone tell me what i need to do. Maybee need to download app for smart phone or maybee redue video in different format
Welcome to the forum ZEBRO.

Are the videos flash based. If they are you'll need to install Adobe flash player, this has been removed from the play store so you'll need to do a Google search for the apk and install it manually.You'll also need a browser which supports flash. If your stock browser doesn't, boat browser from the play store does.
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Thanx for the input, almost forgot i wrote this post and it took me forever to find this site again because i didn't bookmark it. if your interested, i play music to just released a new album, try to google "ZEBRO jrs quest of enlightenment" there is some free downloads there.
Take care
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