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Phoenix OS v1.0.9-Rooted iso Update: Special Edition & Installation Guide

Android x86 Today presents:
Phoenix OS v1.0.9 Androidx86 Rooted .iso [Unofficial] 64bit


Here is my PhoenixOS Rooted .iso based on Androidx86 Lollipop. I have included an installer in the Zip packages. I have tested them all on Windows 10. I have two machines one with AMD and another with Intel. Beyond that, I couldn't say. These will run from a live USB with an option to install to hard disk. The installer supports both UEFI and Legacy boot modes. I will assume for now that you know how to do some basic functions with your machine, such as creating a new partition. In the live session you will only have 1Gb of internal storage. This session does not save it is more to test system compatability...and to see if you like it. I highly recommend a permanent installation to hard disk.

Rooted Version with Rufus Installer:

Unrooted Version with Rufus Installer:

Rufus Only:

New: Installation Guide (HTML) See post #2 for instructions:

New Special Edition 1:
AdAway, JMusic, Terminal Emulator, and more! See README in Zip

Update Aug. 16 Special Edition 2:
Debloated and Standardized!

Everything from Special Edition 1 and more! See README:

To use with Windows machine:

1. Make sure you have secure and/or quick boot disabled in Bios.

2.Use a minimum 8Gb USB thumb drive. 3.0 works best but high quality 2.0 will suffice. Formatted Fat32. (Should be default)

3. Unpack PhoenixOS_v109_Rufus.zip

4. Run Rufus-2.9.exe

5.Select USB in the first entry.

6.Select iso towards the bottom and navigate to PhoenixOS_v1_0_9_Rooted.iso. Rufus will automatically fill in the rest of the settings. Make sure the USB drive is still selected, though. You may change the partition label if you so desire.

7. Select start.

8. Make a bite to eat.

9. When Rufus has finished reboot into your Bios settings.

10. Select USB drive from boot selection (NON-UEFI) and boot it.

11. You will be greeted by the Rufus grub menu. Select "Live CD"

12. Boot up will take some time , you will hang at "Initializing System" for a little while. (If longer than 10 minutes or so, reboot. Start at step one again, using a better quality USB this time;)

14. Have a look around and enjoy. You will only have about 1Gb of internal storage available, also this session will not save, so I generally don't linger too long.

Before we go further it is probably time for the
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This supersedes all previous notices

To Install To Hard Disk:

This is where it can vary. With every machine being slightly different. There is also the potential to "inadvertently" erase something vital. Make sure you have a "Plan B".

1. Prepare a partition to the desired size. Format to Fat32 if <32Gb. If you want more format NTFS (I would say Ext4 but Windows disk manager doesn't have that option). You can use 3rd party software such as Partition Wizard, but it is not necessary. COMMIT THIS DRIVE # TO MEMORY. If you are running Windows only, this will generally be partition 4 or 5 . (Sda4 or Sda5) You can also make a small (300Mb) partition formatted to FAT32 for Grub installation. Windows will NOT let you create a partition that size natively and you will have to use third party.

2. Boot up PhoenixOS USB.

3. Select second option "Installation".

4. Begin Guided installation.
VERY IMPORTANT! Select the appropriate partition. Here is where formatting Ext4 would help as it will be the only partition formatted as such, plus if unsure you can select do not format. If you get it wrong it will format and over-write, possibly your C:\ Partition :(

5. Have it install Grub. Not Grub2. Or vice Versa, depending on machine. I think Grub if dual booting with windows and grub2 to if with Linux. I could be wrong. I am triple booting with Linux and Windows so Grub2 was already installed.

6. Choose partition for Grub installation.

7. Install.

8. Reboot, be sure to remove USB when safe.

9. If all went well you will be greeted with Grub menu. you will be able to choose either Windows or PhoenixOS. Enjoy. <----Dual Booting is easy.

10. If you wish to triple boot...It took me a week to figure it out finally had success with Grub2win for Windows or Grub-customizer for Linux. Alas, if you want to triple-boot, you should be able to work it out. Please share any findings as this is a work in progress.

I'm always available to answer questions. Unless I'm not, then I won't.:)
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