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Help Phone is very Slow

Android is for a LOT of people and it is not for everybody.

My Bionic under Jelly Bean is not tedious and does not require pampering. It does require some basic understanding.

I have no idea what you installed on your Bionic. Many different organizations were involved. Maybe one person in one of those many organizations messed up.

Anyone who is running a Task Killer at any time for any reason in this environment is asking to be shot in the foot.

Every time you installed a new app it asked to have certain permissions granted to it. You apparently granted them.

In Jelly Bean you can try running in Safe Mode and it will disable all apps that you added without uninstalling them. This might immediately identify the source of your troubles.

... Thom
In Jelly Bean you can try running in Safe Mode and it will disable all apps that you added without uninstalling them. This might immediately identify the source of your troubles.

... Thom

The only part of this statement that is true is the first part... Safe Mode will help you find out if something you have installed is causing an issue... BUT it will not help you identify the source of the trouble... it could only help identify the source IF it allowed you to select which apps were disabled and which ones are not... If the problem does go away in Safe Mode, then the user is still left wondering which of the apps they have installed is causing the issue, the only way to find out is uninstall one at a time until the problem goes away.
I agree that further investigation might be needed. That's why I said might.

You are correct that you cannot necessarily zero in on the app causing the problem. You might be able to though. What if the only app he added was the Task Killer.

I found it hard to believe ... I once helped someone who had never heard of Play Store and had never added an app to his Android device.

... Thom
I don't know much about droid bionics but the original nexus 7 had a problem with android 4.2.2 which did not allow the system to use the fstrim Linux utility which caused the system to get progressively slower as you installed and uninstalled apps. The inability of this utility from working prevented the system from knowing which files are where. This problem has been fixed with android 4.3 but if you're not on that there is an app called lag fix free which manually runs the fstrim utility.
I don't know much about droid bionics but the original nexus 7 had a problem with android 4.2.2 which did not allow the system to use the fstrim Linux utility which caused the system to get progressively slower as you installed and uninstalled apps. The inability of this utility from working prevented the system from knowing which files are where. This problem has been fixed with android 4.3 but if you're not on that there is an app called lag fix free which manually runs the fstrim utility.
Has anyone tried this app on the Bionic?
I've tried Lag fix. Doesn't do a whole lot. The problem is the Facebook app. Uninstall it and you will see. Then take a very hard look at the permissions and you will see why it slows down the phone to a crawl. Everything you do on the phone gets routed through a FB app system call.
What about an application called greenify (REQUIRES ROOT)? allows you to prevent a selected application(s) and disable all of its background activities.
I use permissions denied which probably does the same thing. it modifies an apps manifest taking away permissions. the problem is the app may crash not being coded for failure to obtain data.
Anyway Facebook was a major culprit for me on my razr HD and on the bionic. My wife's razr is the same but she won't give it up. I just use Fast for Facebook or a shortcut to the mobile site.
I noticed data entry slows when the phone is trying to decide to use the WiFi or the Verizon Data signal. It also happens when the signal is changing back and forth from 1X to 3G to 4G. When this happens and I have WiFi I have to put it in Airplane mode. Then when I select a letter I don't have to wait 2 to 5 seconds between selections. But I cannot receive a call. Which may not be all that bad. ;)
My phone is not rooted and I did a factory reset after Jelly Bean.
Did you try running it in safe mode? That would disable all the apps you added without uninstalling them. If the problem stopped you would know that you added an app that is causing the problem.

... Thom
I noticed data entry slows when the phone is trying to decide to use the WiFi or the Verizon Data signal. It also happens when the signal is changing back and forth from 1X to 3G to 4G. When this happens and I have WiFi I have to put it in Airplane mode. Then when I select a letter I don't have to wait 2 to 5 seconds between selections. But I cannot receive a call. Which may not be all that bad. ;)
My phone is not rooted and I did a factory reset after Jelly Bean.
That sounds like Google search/now accessing the internet to do predictive search as you type
When ICS dropped some of our Bionics where bumped up to a 1.5ghz speed. I found that mine couldn't actually handle it over a period of time and my phone would slow to a crawl. I found dropping it back down to 1.0 caused my phone to actually be faster and smoother
Man, now in additions to the horribly sluggish performance, my battery life has very suddenly taken a huge nose dive the past couple of days to the point where I'm lucky if it last until evening, even with very little use.

Yes, the (extended) battery is about 2years old and yes, I do expect and see a gradual degradation in battery life, no surprise there, but I could get through until evening with about 50% with average use. But suddenly, in the past 3 or 4 days, with no changes on my part, I'm seeing 5% before leaving work, even with occasionally charging it here! :eek:

I looked at the battery useage screen with the following results:

Android OS: 58%
Wi-Fi: 10%
Screen: 10%
Wash Post: 8% (only app to show)
Phone Idle: 4%
Cell Standby: 3%
Google Services: 3%
Android System: 2%

Is this a typical useage scenario? Can an aging battery suddenly fall of the cliff in terms of life? Or might it be something else?

I'm reluctant to buy a new battery if the issue lies somewhere else, don't want to just throw money/batteries at the problem.

Yes a battery can go rapidly.

I replaced mine with an OEM battery from Amazon and it cost me $12.00 (after two years). I then found that the cause in my case was GPS. If I had GPS on it ate the battery. If I had GPS off all day it would last. (This was on the original battery and not the new one.)

... Thom
Do you have any widgets on your home screens - particularly for apps that you've added recently, or were updated recently?

If so, try removing them to see if they are causing Android OS to go up.

I use an app called Battery Monitor Widget Pro (though I don't use the widgets) and that app can tell you the health of your battery. If it is bad, it will tell you so.
i get about a day on 4.1.2. if no use about 2. what helped my phone out.....a lot was installing clean master and nova launcher prime. it is nice and pretty quick now. i just got it and hated it at the beginning but im actually enjoying it. too bad i didnt get to play with different roms,but thats okay.
try clean master and nova prime.
I was going to loan out an old Incredible to a friend who broke his phone. He ended up doing something else and the phone sat for nearly a week using its old battery. Look what a phone can do idle. only used half the battery.


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