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Help Phone reboots when playing games


Apr 27, 2013
I've got a few weird problems that only recently started happening.

I'm on a rooted Commando, and for the last few months everything has been great. However, just the other day my Sixaxis Controller app stopped working (wouldn't keep the profile loaded and kept switching back to NONE), and now when I go to play a game the phone will randomly reboot itself (and I've tried multiple games). The funny thing is that it would normally take a long time to go through the boot process, but now it only takes a few seconds to reboot.

I don't know what the heck is going on, but if anyone has an idea I'd appreciate some info.
For the reboot/force close problems I figured it was a RAM issue. I made sure that I froze or deleted as many apps as I could and I went and got V6. Don't have the KAK or 3GT yet, but I'll be doing that soon. So far, I haven't had many problems, but playing a RAM heavy game still causes it to freeze once in a while. For instance, Tetris Blitz will lag like a mofo, or even close if I play it too long (more than 5 or 6 rounds). However, games like Temple Run or Fruit Ninja work fine and I can usually play those as long as I want.

I've also looked into swapping some SD space for extra RAM, but the stock kernal doesn't support it. I haven't gotten the courage yet to do a custom ROM/kernal so that's not really an option for me at this point. I may one day do it, but the Casio Blues ROM doesn't really appeal to me (unless you can change the color from that weird blue to a green...).

As far as the SixAxis controller, I don't know what happened to my original setting, but even after uninstalling it and reinstalling it (a few times) all I really had to do was move the button mappings closer to each other. Don't know why it worked with them farther apart before, but maybe an update messed it up. Now it works and I'm back to playing Pac-Man.
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...the Casio Blues ROM doesn't really appeal to me (unless you can change the color from that weird blue to a green...).

how about red? I will be releasing a moded "RedPill ROM" soon, does that tickle your taste buds?

if you and a lot of people want green, then i guess i can make one, but i would need a theme to go with it (i.e. red=matrix red pill scene, green=?)
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if you and a lot of people want green, then i guess i can make one, but i would need a theme to go with it (i.e. red=matrix red pill scene, green=?)

How about "Sassy Grass Green" in honor of the high impact colors offered on the late 60's/early 70's Plymouth muscle cars? Or the "Incredible ROM" for Marvel's Hulk character? Or "Ghostbuster's ROM" for the little green guy known as Slimer? You could call it the booger ROM for all I care.
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There are comments on Google Play about the latest version (BETA) not working very well. Which version do you have and what can it do that having a custom ROM won't?

yeah the beta version has many problems. I went back to alpha.
If you check it out, it can do a lot for the phone. entropy, RAM usage, GPS tweeks, and so much more. I include it in my "tools update" so you can get it there as well. overall it does a lot and is very fun to mess around with. but have a nandroid backup:)
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How about "Sassy Grass Green" in honor of the high impact colors offered on the late 60's/early 70's Plymouth muscle cars? Or the "Incredible ROM" for Marvel's Hulk character? Or "Ghostbuster's ROM" for the little green guy known as Slimer? You could call it the booger ROM for all I care.

Incredible hulk ROM, hmm i like it. after I'm finished beta testing my RedPill ROM i might give it a go. any other suggestions anyone? should i move this to a new thread?
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