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Phone reception!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2011
Northern Utah
Had a job that was in a "fringe" area.....well at least when I had the EPIC....
today was out there..3 bars......


dunno bout the rest of you saying there are "phone" side issues....this thing was suuuuuweeeeeettttttt

even updated my flashplayer on its own.....

now i will say yes the 3g side of this thing is SLOWWWW...maybe ill take it in and have it checked...

The 4g connects in doors a helluva lot more then the epic did....shoot that stupid epic wouldnt connect standing under a tower:mad::mad::mad::mad:

over all this phone is coolio:):):):):):):):)
you sure you aren't getting "placebo" bars?

My P4G shows great reception everywhere if you go by the bars.... but when you look at actual signal strength, it's right where it was when my Evo 3d was showing low signal strength.

I have noticed that...sometimes it bounces all over (what the diff between blue bars and grey anyway??)

but like i said...was talking on my bluetooth and went inside working, and it was clear as a bell....it did break up a little...turned out it was them driving by a known dead spot for them...

so as we say in the carpet cleaning biz about equipment.....i dont care what the specs say, this thing works this way....
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Hmm for some reason im getting worse reception then i had with my NS4G. I got 86db with my nexus in my house and now with my photon im getting 97db yet im getting full bars lol. I took back my nexus because everyone said the Photon had great reception... And trust me the nexus sucked with reception... ugh
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