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Help Pink underneath the charging port

El Presidente

Beware The Milky Pirate!
Jan 3, 2011
This means water damage, yeah? Or at the very least the indicator's got wet and the warranty is void?
Ta. I noticed it after Mrs Presidente asked me to stick it on charge for her the other day. The other one under the headphone(?) port is fine so hopefully it's not got wet inside.

Whilst she's had slight issues since the initial lollipop update, it's nothing I'd need a warranty repair for. She's reluctant to let me do a factory reset.
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Is Mrs EP close to her renewal date? We got some Z5 Compacts in today... and we do trade-ins, remember? ;)

Unfortunately, no :(. She's Giff Gaff and generally gets my hand me downs.

She could still have my old One X, but that took a swim last year and the Z was her replacement.

Who knows though, when I hated the LG G4, the plan was for her to get that (in 6 months, until then it belongs to EE apparently) and I'd get the Moto X Style.

Root and Xposed has drastically changed my opinion of the G4 though so she's probably not getting it.
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