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Root Please Help Me To Understand?????


Oct 8, 2011
Ok guys, I'm going to show my ignorance here.

I need some help understanding a couple of things. I've been reading on another site about TickerGuy's Cyanogen Mod7 installation and Isaac's MIUI installation for the Triumph.

I have some questions maybe some of you can help me with. The CM7...what is the purpose of this installation. Does it speed things up...is it just a different operating system? Does it help lock 3G better? Can someone give me some things it does? Also does anybody know if they ever got the CM7 working with the GPS or not? My GPS works fine and I don't want to lose it.

I read some on the MIUI and think I understand it. I do have a question though. Does it work with the CM7 or are they not compatable with each other.

I appreciate any help you can give me. I'm new to all of this but it's very interesting. But I would like to understand it more before I do any of it.

Ok guys, I'm going to show my ignorance here.

I need some help understanding a couple of things. I've been reading on another site about TickerGuy's Cyanogen Mod7 installation and Isaac's MIUI installation for the Triumph.

I have some questions maybe some of you can help me with. The CM7...what is the purpose of this installation. Does it speed things up...is it just a different operating system?
CM7 is a version of Android 2.3.x (a.k.a. Gingerbread). It is a newer version of Android than what the phone is shipped with. It is slightly different than the stock versions of 2.3.x, but is based off of that code and has some added features and options.

Does it help lock 3G better?
It does not effect your signal strength. Not for 3G, not for wifi, not for voice.

Can someone give me some things it does?
There are a ton of differences between stock 2.2 (Froyo) and CM7 2.3. Here and here are some sites with more info about CM7.

Also does anybody know if they ever got the CM7 working with the GPS or not? My GPS works fine and I don't want to lose it.
GPS works on CM7. If your GPS worked fine on stock it will work fine on CM7. In many cases people that had GPS issues on stock have it better with CM7.

I read some on the MIUI and think I understand it. I do have a question though. Does it work with the CM7 or are they not compatable with each other.

I appreciate any help you can give me. I'm new to all of this but it's very interesting. But I would like to understand it more before I do any of it.

MIUI and CM7 are separate ROM's. You can run one at a time (there are some people trying to make it possible to dual boot them, but still only actually running one at a time. Both are excellent ROM's and I would recommend you try them both out if you are curious, and find the one that best fits your wants/needs.

There are separate threads for each in the All Things Root section of these forums that you should read up on. They will tell you what is working or not for each. Yes they are super long threads, but the most vital info is at the beginning. Feel free to ask more questions, there are plenty of people around to help. Good luck!
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