Android Question
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Be on the lookout for a fake update coming from a fake url. It's undetermined what it does, but I doubt it's good. Notice it is using using an "l" in place of the "i" in android. That makes me think there is an attempt to load malware onto your devices underr the guise of installing an update.
Phandroid Article based on this thread. They are waiting for feedback from Google.
Another screenshot, thanks
Be on the lookout for a fake update coming from a fake url. It's undetermined what it does, but I doubt it's good. Notice it is using using an "l" in place of the "i" in android. That makes me think there is an attempt to load malware onto your devices underr the guise of installing an update.
Phandroid Article based on this thread. They are waiting for feedback from Google.
Another screenshot, thanks
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