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Post your Android Desktop

That is a really cool idea. Reminds me of graphic design assignments from school.

Like the weather skin, too. Good work!
Thanks! Coming from a graphic designer means a lot. Damn!! If thats what you do in school, I should have went. Then I could get paid to do what I have so much fun doing.
Thanks! Coming from a graphic designer means a lot. Damn!! If thats what you do in school, I should have went. Then I could get paid to do what I have so much fun doing.

Dude, that's exactly why I went to school for it. It's fun and it pays well. (Or so I hear... haven't found any good paying jobs since I graduated.) But, heck, so long as people appreciate the weather skins and other stuff I make... it's all good.
Sharing my latest and greatest! LOL

Using GO Launcher
Beautiful Widgets for Clock
Using Mono - Dark Weathskin for Clock
Circle Battery Widget for Battery Icon
Blackberry Customized Icons for App Shortcuts on left
Grid rows are 5 X 5 Horiz and Vert


This pic just shows how the Battery Widget turns orange when battery gets low:


This pic shows Beautiful Widgets weather with mono-dark weather skin.


This pic shows what happens when you tap the Beautiful Widgets weather icon:


This next pic features the Pure Grid Calendar Widget:


This pic shows the Daily Quotes Widget at the top and Circle Launcher (favorite contacts selected) where the purple hearts are.


This screenshot shows what happens when you tap on the Daily Quotes app at the top, even though it is a different quote LOL


This next pic shows what happens when you tap on the Purple Hearts (custom icon I chose that my friend here, **Knurpsi**, sent me)
for Circle Launcher. It is from another desktop when I was using LauncherPro but still works the same with GO Launcher:


Hope you enjoy these!

I've had my Desire for 8 months now and been lurking on these
forums for the same amount of time... .but this is my first post! :o
To everyone who has posted in this thread, amazing work...
so many skilled people here, so many ideas to feed from.
Many thanks to all (especially to Heavy, Niteowl, Knurpsi and Fourire for some of the best themes I've ever seen!)

I'm currently playing around and experimenting with Launcher Pro Plus
and Crazy Home Lite and hope to post some of my screens soon....
but first, a request! >>>>


Please, please can someone tell me who the tat girl is, I've got the black/white and colour versions of her
and also made a greyscale one but nobody seems to have posted a link to the above photo or hinted
at what her name is.

Can anyone help this noobie please? ;)
I really like my background so hated to cover it with icons so went the invisible route.
Home screen : Retro clock/ date, circle battery, 4x1 invisible icons for power amp, video player and gemini calendar and 3x1 invisible for direct dial to wife.
Also invisible icons on dock for dialer, contacts, music and market.

Left screen 4x1 for games folder

right screen 4x1 for market . thats all i need for now .
I've had my Desire for 8 months now and been lurking on these
forums for the same amount of time... .but this is my first post! :o
To everyone who has posted in this thread, amazing work...
so many skilled people here, so many ideas to feed from.
Many thanks to all (especially to Heavy, Niteowl, Knurpsi and Fourire for some of the best themes I've ever seen!)

I'm currently playing around and experimenting with Launcher Pro Plus
and Crazy Home Lite and hope to post some of my screens soon....
but first, a request! >>>>

Please, please can someone tell me who the tat girl is, I've got the black/white and colour versions of her
and also made a greyscale one but nobody seems to have posted a link to the above photo or hinted
at what her name is.

Can anyone help this noobie please? ;)
Veronica Gomez
Here is something new on my phone "honeycomb style" :)




all info's widgets, wallpaper, icon's and over 70 layouts more can found on my Blog for free ;)
Hi Mac,
What are your weather and clock widgets in this screen? Love them!


A few different looks over the last couple of months..

Not as exciting as Ms Gomez, but my new project, which is strangely enough a tribute to The Invisibles :)

It's a bit chaotic, but then I'm sure King Mob would approve! Think I might make my next project Strontium Dog. Brian Bolland and Paulmz for inspiration :cool:

The grenade is my app drawer, might put some different colours down there with sms and missed call counts.





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