Really enjoying everyone's work on here, this is my first feeble effort.
Custom background image
LauncherPro Plus
Desktop Visualizer using transparent.png
I was going for a "retro feel", hence the 60/70/80s style, so, from the top:
The wall lights gives me a white screen light (Color Flashlight by Notes)
The "Home Sweet Home" picture links to the photo gallery (Quickpic)
The clock and battery (Micro Clock Widget 1x1 by Factory Widgets and Circle Battery widget overlaid)
Dimmer Switch used for adjusting screen brightness (Brightness Control by Stereotypez)
The coffee mug opens messaging (Go SMS Pro)
The letter rack opens Gmail
Retro desktop calendar opens ermm... the calendar (done using a downloaded Make Your Clock widget by Thomas Hubalek)
The camera - guess what that does!

The books open my bookmarks
The market bag icon - another obvious one!
The torch lights the camera LED.
The bottom 3 in the dock are the usual Phone, Apps Drawer and Browser
All the above take care of my most used functions on the phone.
I'm still working on a design for the other home screens for music/video/games etc.