That's high praise from you indeed - thanks Paul

Saw your last screen (great by the way) on the Rezound - how are you liking it? It's on my shortlist of devices to consider for purchasing this spring...
So far I really like the Rezound. Coming from my Incredible, it's a decent upgrade. I know it's not at the top of the "best device" list but I just feel that, compared to the others like Samsung and Motorola, HTC's are just built better. It's a bit heavier than other models, but I see weight as quality.
The phone is fast, the screen is responsive, the camera is great, and it actually has accessories available (I bought the car and desk docks right away).
The few things that bug me are:
1. Can't root it yet (at least not permanent- I tried the temp and it "went away" after ten minutes).
2. I'm trying to use ADWLauncher EX, but every other time I press my home button, it keeps asking me to select ADW/Sense even though I constantly set ADW as default.
3. Free no-root hotspot doesn't work on HTC's (yet).
Enough with my ranting- definitely keep the Rezound at the top of the "short list". Honestly, I agree with others that this phone was robbed from being called a "Droid". It's almost a perfect replacement for the original Incredible- and then some.