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Post your Homescreens

I agree the HD pics are great but how are you able to get the photos from that feed. The long touch doesn't seem to work.

I usually text the link to myself using the share feature and then click the link and choose to view it in the original source rather than view it in Currents. The long press works on the image in the original source. There has to be an easier way but I haven't found it yet.
you can't use the bottom two .zip files without being rooted. you want this one: http://teslacoilsw.com/nova/download/NovaLauncher_beta.apk

download that apk file, then get a file explorer (i personally use Astro) from the market, navigate to your download folder, select the apk file, then click open app manager , then install. after it has installed, click the home button and you should be prompted to choose the stock launcher or nova. select nova and click "use as default". to access the nova options, go into your app drawer, click the three dots in the top right corner, and select nova settings.

hope this helps!

So installing this erased everything on all of my screens...was it supposed to do this?
Lock screen


Pandora widget, Slacker Widget, Poweramp Widget, Google Music Widget


Beautiful Widgets Forecast, Widgetsoid


Simi Clock, Beautiful Widgets Weather


Facebook, APW Say What?!


APW Calendar, ScoreCenter
So installing this erased everything on all of my screens...was it supposed to do this?

yes. all of your set up is still available on the stock launcher if you want to go back to it, but you will have to start from scratch on nova.

if you decide it is not worth the effort and want to switch back, open your app drawer, click the 3 dots in the top right, click nova settings, scroll to the bottom, choose "select default home", and change it back to "launcher".
So installing this erased everything on all of my screens...was it supposed to do this?

Everything that was on your homescreens is not erased, but because it's a different launcher, you will have to set everything back up again. You can't transfer setups between them. If you went back to the stock launcher, you'd still have your same setup. I would recommend removing all of that anyway because it will use less battery.
Ok, so I have done the Nova Launcher. I now want to do custom icons and a theme for the dock buttons. What do I need to get to do this? I like launcher pros stuff, but can I make that work with a different program? I had nothing but FC's from launcher pro on my OG droid and dont want to download it on the nex. Any help is appreciated.
Ok, so I have done the Nova Launcher. I now want to do custom icons and a theme for the dock buttons. What do I need to get to do this? I like launcher pros stuff, but can I make that work with a different program? I had nothing but FC's from launcher pro on my OG droid and dont want to download it on the nex. Any help is appreciated.

Nova Launcher supports ADW launcher themes, so you can search the market for those. The other option is to find icon packs online and add them individually.

This thread is a good place to start: [Collection] ICON SETS | Over *700* different Icon Packs [INDEX on 2nd post] - xda-developers

Edit: 500th Post! Hello Senior Membership.
You can't fool us, you will change it :p

BTW that app button reminds me of a blackberry :D

It'll change if I get done with my Christmas shopping. I changed it all while I was bowling tonight. :D
I'm running stock everything so I can't change the button which is my only complaint.
And here's my current screen shot. I'll be making many tweaks, but this will work until after christmas.

Nova Launcher
Simi Clock
SwitchPro Widget
Christmas HD Live Wallpaper

The names on the stockings are my 2 cats and my bearded dragon :)


Haha I was looking at this going "aww how sweet!" until I read the part about it being your pets, lol. Still cool, but not as sweet, lol. Merry Christmas!
There are quite a few good looking setups here. A pretty good place to get ideas for people who are undecided on how they want their phone to look.

Concur. Ive take bits from each post and customized my own. First time Android user and absolutely loving the experience.
Thanks for the tip about the Google bar - it was cramping my style. :)

One other question if someone has a moment: I don't like the screen lock and I've seen it mentioned elsewhere but can't see any resolution / solution. My screen seems to use a lot of battery, so I shut it down after 30 seconds. I don't want my screen to lock for 10 minutes or so (right beside me at work). Every time I pick it up I have to use the slider. Is that just something I have to get used to?


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Haha, I got bored so I was playing around with a widget. Anyone who actually thinks having this many apps on their screen looks good is absolutely insane in the membrane! =)
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