@johnlgalt - That's correct - from what I understand, when the end of the time period is approaching, the forum will send you a PM and/or EMail letting you know that if it's NOT a recurring subscription you need to renew or you'll revert back to normal membership. I'll make sure it includes a link to
http://paypal.com explaining you'll need to unsubscribe through their website if you ARE signed up for a recurring subscription that you want to discontinue.
Right now we have 3 "levels":
- $5/month
- $19.95/6-months
- Donate whatever you want via Paypal
The $5/month makes the most sense as a "recurring" payment. In terms of offering a single, one-time donation vs. recurring subscription, we'll probably continue to get feedback and see what's best for everyone. This is our first time doing anything like this so it's a learning experience. Phases and I have been talking hours and hours each day about what you folks are saying and what you folks want - it's all about finding a balance that works out for everyone.
By all means, keep the comments coming because we're listening and taking everything into consideration. Thanks to everyone for helping make AF so great!