Does anybody else wish Trump would quit yelling? He just critized CNN for being "the Clinton News Network." Just flip channels from Fox news and MSNBC, and CNN is the most unbiased of them all. They are airing his entire rant as I type.
This turd can make America EXACTLY like Atlantic City. Total fail. How on earth can you lose "owning" a casino?
One must ask where the NRA stands in the wake of Dallas. Why an individual (or more) can open carry an AR seems stupid IMHO. Sincerest sympathy to those who were injured and killed. A dark day indeed
One must ask where the NRA stands in the wake of Dallas. Why an individual (or more) can open carry an AR seems stupid IMHO. Sincerest sympathy to those who were injured and killed. A dark day indeed
For the record, I'm not anti gun and I own several myself. I "am" anti NRA due to their huge lobby ($$$) and constant spreading of mistruth. They prey on people's fear and are damn good at it. Similar to a cult IMHO.
sure .. it can happen. some day... in the future.. maybe... sure...
but until then.. many are getting shot by people with easy gun access...
that is obvious to everyone with ability to see past their gun / ego.
The plan is based on the fact that the vice president is still technically decided by a delegate vote, and there is no obligation to support the nominee's choice.
Fox News announced it would be cutting ties with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich due to potential conflicts of interest, as presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is expected to name his choice of running mate soon. The move has fueled speculation that Gingrich might be The Donald's VP pick.
Donald Trump is planning to announce that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is his choice for his vice presidential running mate, according to a Republican with direct knowledge of the decision.
As Trump narrowed in on his choice of Pence, the two men spent time at both Trump's golf resort in New Jersey in early July and at the Indiana governor's mansion this week.
In addition to testing the men's chemistry together, Trump was reportedly impressed with Pence's calm demeanor, his experience on Capitol Hill and as a governor, and Pence's potential to assist Trump in governing, should the ticket win in November.
The departure of Mr Ailes could have an impact on the Republican party. Supremely well connected, he has helped shape the Republican agenda for more than a decade. His channel’s blend of news and blistering opinion from its roster of prime time hosts has made it a must-watch for conservative voters, and a key outlet for candidates hoping to reach the base of the party.
The power struggle over Fox News will be closely watched by investors in 21st Century Fox, as the network contributes about a fifth of the group’s annual net income.
But some observers say that one man may have had the power to prevent Donald Trump's accession within the Republican Party: Matt Drudge.
"If Drudge had come out really negatively against Trump and had supported someone who would have played well with his reader base like Cruz, it would have been much harder for Trump to win," BuzzFeed political reporter and editor Andrew Kaczynski told Business Insider, referring to Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.
This very second, am listening to the close of tonight's coverage of RNC convention. Playing over the public address system in the arena, I hear ( a bad cover of) Rush- "Limelight". (A Canadian band, but let's ignore that for the moment.)
"Cast in this unlikely role, ill equipped to act. With insufficient tact...."
Does anyone listen to these songs before they select them for a huge, mobilizing pep rally like this, or have they made their decision, and damn the facts, damn the message? Perhaps they are employing the same mental agility that led them to their candidate in the first place..."Don't confuse me with any facts or logic, I've made up my mind".
Fascinating to see a group of people, many of whom recently and correctly viewed the (now) candidate as a distasteful freak show-nightmare-horror scene, completely unfit for the office.....Now blindly rally together with feigned enthusiasm. Despicable.
Republicans, doing what they do best;
Regularly appealing to the lowest common denominator, by suggesting that smart people are the enemy, the very problem. Despicable. Suggesting (in short, simple, easily digested sentences) that decades of experience, familiarity with the subtle workings of government is somehow disqualifying; And ignorance of same is a badge of honor, an admirable credential. Despicable.
Regularly suggesting that legal judgments and government action are the problem with this country; Remind me again about your God given right to live the way you want to live, to protect your own narrow interests. Despicable. We would still have segregated schools, and many other "charming" aspects of society past, if not for some mechanism to drag the ignorant, craven, and obstinate forward. Forgive us if we seem patronizing and paternalistic, but you make it embarrassingly necessary at times.
Regularly displaying jaw dropping hypocrisy and double standards; The flaws (inherent in simply existing as a human being charged with great responsibility) demonstrated on the other side of the aisle are grounds for outright dismissal; When displayed among your friends, however, similar lapses in judgement are passed over as irrelevant. The current VP candidate cast the same vote to go to war in Iraq, as the presidential nominee on the other side; When confronted with that reality, the presidential nominee simply laughs it off. And a whole bunch of people actually admire him for so skillfully deflecting the issue, "outsmarting" the "liberal" press. Indicative of a larger pattern of thought and behavior, and...... Despicable.
I could go on and on, (It's just that easy, like shooting fish in a barrel), but the only people who ought to be paying attention, aren't........And they likely won't.
As an analogy;
I have no shortage of affection toward guns, and have owned many; But I have zero interest in crawling into bed with the NRA. The issues they advocate which are important to me are vastly outweighed by irresponsible policy goals I find to be .....Despicable.
I may be as personally and financially conservative an individual as you will find, but have no interest in crawling into bed with the Republican party. In my lifetime, their policies which I have agreed with, have been significantly outweighed by those I find........Despicable.
I view the Democratic candidate as deeply flawed and somewhat distasteful, but unquestionably the superior choice, and I have no fear of what might happen if she is elected; Something I can't say about the Republican candidate. Fortunately, the system is mostly inherently stable, thanks in large measure to many smart, thoughtful decisions made by the people who created it. If only any of the current crop of politicians were so admirable.
I can take no credit for the achievement, but I am an American; And to my core, very proudly so. I deeply cherish all of the many, many things which are so laudable about this nation, and am appropriately ashamed and apologetic of those things which are not so admirable. More than anything, I am grateful to have the room to work those distinctions out, debate those issues with my brothers.
Edit: In haste, and only partial memory of the song "Limelight", I overlooked several other nuggets befitting the moment. Aside from numerous other oblique references to illusion and superficiality, there is pure gold. "...I have no heart to lie; I can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend". Message from Canada understood, Ted.
The Texas firebrand urges Republicans to vote their conscience in prime-time address.
Ted Cruz got a prime speaking slot at Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention on Wednesday, but he came and went from the stage without endorsing the party's newly minted nominee.
The Texas senator not only failed to endorse Trump at any point during his 23-minute remarks, he also encouraged Republicans to “vote their conscience.”
“To those listening, please, don’t stay home in November,” Cruz said, a plea that suggested he was about to endorse Trump. But he didn’t
“If you love our country and love your children as much as I know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience,” Cruz said. “Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”
When it became clear that Cruz was not was not offering a direct endorsement, the crowd broke out in boos that continued for the balance of Cruz's remarks, shouting "We want Trump" as Cruz wrapped his speech.
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