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Had I known this was a problem in 4.1.1, I might not have gotten the Samsung Note II through T-Mobile when I did. :mad:

Speech recognition software fails to activate when a bluetooth headset is actively paired with Android 4.1.1 and in A2DP mode (audio mode).

1. Enable bluetooth on the Samsung Galaxy Note II (OS 4.1.1)
2. Pair the bluetooth headset (e.g., Rocketfish RF-MAB2) to both phone and audio.
3. Open Messaging (Texting app)
4. Create a New Message (upper right hand corner). The cursor is automatically put in the recipient box with "Enter Recipient" displayed and the keyboard is shown below.
5. Tap on the MIC icon on the keyboard

Expected Result: Red microphone is immediately displayed with "speak now" right below it, and talking puts text into the message box.

Actual Result: grayed out microphone is displayed. After about 30 seconds, the microphone flashes red for less than a second then back to gray and a message "Can't reach Google at the moment" is displayed.

Known workarounds (but quite inelegant):
1. Either turn off your bluetooth (BT) on the phone, turn off your BT headset, or disable the audio (e.g. music) connection on your BT headset.
2. With your BT headset fully enabled, turn on (listen to) an audio file. While it is playing, if you hit the MIC icon on the keyboard, it will respond correctly.

IMNSHO, this is a HUGE step backwards. Coming from Froyo on a MyTouch4G, this feature worked nearly flawlessly. This is a feature that I use a LOT. Rumor has it that a Jelly Bean update to 4.2 is not likely for the Note II until early 2013. :mad: But even in the following thread, some users are still reporting problems.

For additional information, see: Issue 35737 - android - Google Voice Search stuck on "Initializing" - Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project - Google Project Hosting

I have screenshots for you visually inclined folks:


Circled in green is the MICrophone icon on the keyboard.


Proper activation gives you the red microphone and the "Speak now" text.


However, with the bluetooth headset paired and audio enabled, you get the grayed out microphone for about 30 seconds.


And then it times out and you get the "Can't reach Google at the moment" text.


* ijhutch *


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Maybe this will get "sticky"?

A constant niggly for me is the lack of a "," (comma) key on the front screen of the standard qwerty keyboard (ATT). Having to frequently toggle the "SYM" button is a stupid, stupid input choice by somebody. Does every SGN2 out there have this same lack?

Please share your niggly here. One at a time, please and no shoving!
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Maybe this will get "sticky"?

A constant niggly for me is the lack of a "," (comma) key on the front screen of the standard qwerty keyboard (ATT). Having to frequently toggle the "SYM" button is a stupid, stupid input choice by somebody. Does every SGN2 out there have this same lack?

Please share your niggly here. One at a time, please and no shoving!

Simply push and hold the 'N' and a comma magically appears. You will note all of the letters have other things you can get with a simple push and brief hold. I missed this on the iPhone and am thrilled to have this capability again! :D
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Wow, thanks Chief7. Thanks for the tip.

And works for other symbols/keys too

On the next niggly. I'll be back

Simply push and hold the 'N' and a comma magically appears. You will note all of the letters have other things you can get with a simple push and brief hold. I missed this on the iPhone and am thrilled to have this capability again! :D
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Hey everyone. Just wondering if this has been happening to anyone else with their Samsung Note 2. I'm on sprint, but I don't think that would matter either way.

I was on the phone, and wanted to take a picture and send it via text message. Apparently when I open up the camera application while on the phone it will give me a message saying that I can't take pictures while talking on the phone and the camera app will just shut down. It has been really irritating.

Is this a bug or something? Is this an issue that samsung plans to address and fix? Seriously... this is a basic feature that all smart phones should be able to preform. Especially considering Samsung keeps boasting all of its multi functioning abilities. I'm coming from the original HTC Evo, and it could handle this simple action, and that phone came out almost 3 years ago.

Also, when I set my alarm in the morning sometimes it just shuts off all on its own after like 30 seconds. It will wake me up, but I set my alarm to read me the headlines of the day and a lot of the time it just decides to stop when ever it feels like it. Even mid sentence. Has this been happening to anyone else as well?

Other than that, I freeking love the phone. No other complains. Any support would be great.
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Hi, hoping you guys can help. When I hit the Internet button, and type in Google. Com, the page doesn't load. It looks like it's trying then starts over and tries again without ever getting connected. I have to exit out. It's only for the Google. I can get on any other. Page. If I can't figure it out, I'll have to return it.

are u entering it with the space like you did here.
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Hi All.

My UK O2 Galaxy Note 2 is exhibiting an annoying problem with the official headset play/pause button

Say I'm listening to music during the day: The phone's screen is off because I'm working on my computer, but the tunes are playing. I pause the music for a moment (using the headset button) to speak to a colleague. I press the headset button again 30 seconds later to resume playing, 95% of the time it will not detect that the headset button has been pressed to resume play.

If I press the button a couple of times successively it will start playing suddenly. It's almost as if the phone enters a sleep mode when the music is paused that won't wake unless it receives a constant set of inputs.

Weirdly if I hold the button while in this state of sleep it does activate google's handsfree voice thing first time, everytime.

This also happens with an official iphone headset, so it's not an issue specifically related to the official sammy headset.

Does anyone else have this problem?:thinking:
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are u entering it with the space like you did here.

hmmm, I don't get that problem at all. Before you return the phone, I'd hard reset first. is this with the stock browser?

It is with the stock Brower. I have tried multiple hard resets. I even had a Verizon tech guy on the phone with me for about 45 minutes.
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The biggest issue I have found so far is if you are playing a game, IE Angry Birds Star Wars, and the sound is turned all the way up the speaker crackles. This happens also on voice calls when it is turned all the way up. However, it does not occur when playing music at all. There have been several people across several forums all saying the same thing happens. Odd they didnt put a speaking good enough to handle the amount of sound for all tasks.

The ringtone is annoying when you receive a call too. I know it started low and then increased on the S3 as well but at least the start of it was decently loud on the S3. It is considerably lower at the start of the ringtone on the N2 by comparison.
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