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I'd not doubt that at all. The band/orchestra isn't all school kids, I'm not sure who/what they are but they need work still. Strings and percussion were spot on, horns were at an entirely different play...loudly. The sound system was not working right, the kids were mic'd but it'd break up so you'd hear them loudly then nothing then just feedback and static. Hope they get that fixed, yikes.
I really do have trouble with my ears, they can no longer handle loud and there are some notes/pitches/sounds that just send me into a fit of pain. I have a constant ringing in my right ear, it's been there for a whole lot of years now (at least 10). I try to remember to bring my (good quality) ear plugs to places but sometimes forget. Ouch.
I'm placed right in front of trumpet section at band rehearsal. Now considering I play trombone, a lot of people would think that's karma

I've complained so much about the loudness, that they agreed to buy some acoustic blast shields.
I would mind the loudness so much if it was a good sound, and in tune. But that's another issue