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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

On the parking note: Since when did people get so lazy they can't even walk a few feet? Ugh.

Hmmmm yes...

This is a tough 1 but not for "Professor Stinky Von Stinky Stein"!!



Yeah bruizer!

I just had a chat with ... "Da proff" and his flawless genius says that the reasons why most of all the 1st world countries have become so fat... slow.... and lazy is very simple he says!

The legendary professor of the Academy of Drokshire said it all started with THIS horrible and nasty little thing:


You see it all started when some random thing (thing / person) asked itself:

"I have HAD IT with breathing oxygen as it is too much work!!!

AND above ALL else... I HATE having to get up off the couch and walk less than a few meters just to turn that wonderful magic box!!"

So that is how thew TV remote was invented ladies and gentlemen.

And also "Da Proff" said something about something like great civilizations all around the globe that come and go and get too powerful and then they get frackin lazy blah blah blah I don't remember the rest because their was a very interesting air molecule that I thought was way more interesting so ja I got distracted a little.

So there we have it!

From the proff's mouth himself! :)

I'm so sick of cleaning my house and getting up the next day . Just to see my husband and two boys have literally destroyed it. What the H E double hockey sticks . And I absolutely hate waking up and seeing a sink full of dishes. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I have done that but then dad lets them play video games with him.overstepping my authority. Of course I gripe . But now I am just becoming mean.I want to run away.:(
People who can't read:

FedEx Driver Can’t Read Street Signs, Shrugs

Could have been DHL, but we had a driver consistently mistake Monument with Willamette. I thought Dyslexia was left to right not right side up and upside down.

I've had a dogcatcher try to bust me for a biting dog.. I don't own a dog, never have owned a dog - he wouldn't shut up, kept lecturing me about dog control and was ready to ticket me for non-cooperation. I finally got to ask him what address he was supposed to be checking on - it was 2 freaking streets over!

He was totally pissed as he thought he had his complaint solved.
What really makes me mad is when there is dirt, dust, and lint on my phone! It just makes me angry lol!!!
>: (
P.s i dont know how to make a angry emoticon :(
I've had a dogcatcher try to bust me for a biting dog.. I don't own a dog, never have owned a dog - he wouldn't shut up, kept lecturing me about dog control and was ready to ticket me for non-cooperation. I finally got to ask him what address he was supposed to be checking on - it was 2 freaking streets over!

He was totally pissed as he thought he had his complaint solved.

Let him go for it.

Make a scene.

Do not say it is not your dog; be very polite.

Lead him on and aggravate him until he calls the police or writes you a ticket. Waste his time then politely tell him you do not have a doggy. Play a few dog barks in the background and tell him it is your girl friend's distemper acting up.

Ask him what he puts on those dog bites he routinely receives. I bet he gets bitten allot

Tomorrow, borrow a dog and play the same loud recorded doggy sounds. Let him knock on your door. Lead him on and let him rant about lying to him.

Politely tell him it is a friends dog.

Tell him he needs a search warrant. Toss in something about "reasonable searches" and the lights in the night sky being oddly ominous and frightful. Mention the third amendment to the Constitution and section 34(C) of the (insert your city name here) Municipal Code against being questioned by a postal worker without your rights being read to you. Drive him nuts.

Mention the laws against postal workers enacted in your city in 1932.

Go on and on about the Equal Dog Rights Amendment passed in 1908.

The next day, buy a cat. A wild one. Play loud angry cat sounds.

Learn to bark at the postman. Tell him you love him and you will pray for his soul.

Rage against the machine and power to the people.

Seriously, I hate people like your postman. I try to make unreasonable people more unreasonable if possible. Always be polite and never lie.

Here in Utah, they can refuse to deliver mail if they perceive a threat. Perhaps that is a federal law. Just do not piss off the UPS guy because he brings the Christmas cookies.
I had a watch cat. Big neutered male. He only went out with his harness and leash. Half the kids in the neighborhood were scared of him. If my daughter wanted company, I shut him up in our bedroom.

I don't get Christmas Cookies, I don't eat sweets. I just might be expecting a new eyepiece, though.

The dog catcher pissed me off. Wouldn't do anything about a neighbor whose dog constantly pooped in our yard.

The mail carriers make the same mistake. All they see is the house number. It doesn't help as the street has Way, Circle, Street, etc.with the same name in the same area. Stupid subdivisions.

One of the mail centers just lost my order from Amazon. It's sitting in a mail facility here, and no one can find it. Amazon made good on it.
What really makes me mad is when there is dirt, dust, and lint on my phone! It just makes me angry lol!!!
>: (
P.s i dont know how to make a angry emoticon :(

There's a good angry emoticon in the smilie list next to where you type your message text. :D

The speaker cleaner app I use for my phone seems to help, and has an odd bonus. I run it, the cat comes running to me in "cuddle me pet me" mode. Seems like that app (or sometimes selecting ringtones) flips the "affection" switch in her furry head.
I just ran my index finger into my rotary cutter. My own stupidity for not closing the shield. I'd just sharpened the damn thing. Now it's a PITA to try to enter anything on the phone.
Here's What Grinds My Gears. People who complain about others posting topics that have already been posted.
I know that the search button should be used more than it is, and that maybe we all should do a little more reading before starting a new thread.
But Really, isn't complaining time after time about multiple posts and people not searching enough, just as bad? When I see a question that I can answer, I will answer it, no matter how many times it has been answered. But if I don't like what I see, I have learned to just move on. It will or will not get answered.
In the end, I've saved myself a littlle time and frustration. Then I can move on to more important topics, like trying to get Justin Beiber on that first flight to Mars.

just my 1-cents worth (the kids went through my pockets and got the other penny).
Have you ever really tried that search button? Some of the results are totally off the wall. One of the terms searched for will be in a paragraph down the post, and the whole post isn't even relevant to your search.
Fanboys again. This isn't Apple - it's a damned bread machine. Asked one question and 3 replies said don't dork with the machine - it's perfect. Nothing is freaking perfect. Except the weather at times and even that depends on your use. A sunny day for outdoors for the family is no good to a farmer who needs rain.
Have you ever really tried that search button? Some of the results are totally off the wall. One of the terms searched for will be in a paragraph down the post, and the whole post isn't even relevant to your search.

And a large percentage of the results are from years ago, which can be less than helpful on technology-related questions. If there's a way to sort to put more recent results on the first page or two, I haven't found it.
The search takes some getting used to, but there are options in the advanced search that make it a lot easier to use.

The basic one is to show posts instead of threads, and to search for multiple terms using Boolean logic controls, or else search for a phrase if that is what you are looking for.

That being said, though, there should never be a rude response to anyone h ***didn't*** use the search button. Since performing the search takes 5 seconds, but being rude to someone usually takes more, spend less time and just link to the search you would have performed if you were the OP.

It's not rocket science - and there is never a need to be rude, no matter how good you ***THINK*** you are. You were a n00b once - even if you were using BBS systems on a 300 baud modem. Even if you helped develop the original TCP/IP stack - you have no right to be rude here, and rather than reprimanding the n00b who didn't search, I'm betting my savings account that the mods here will reprimand ***ANYONE*** who is rude to a n00b.
Some have never run into the Boolean search terms, and some that you did know seem to be a little different today.

So why not post a sticky on top of which terms to use for what when you are searching? So you don't get just posts.

CREATURES that choose to NOT stop and let yououou cross at the Zebra crossing (I think you mindless or crazy Yankies call them "pedestrian crossings" or something? They are called Zebra crossings here.) when you are just taking a stroll to the shops and then you come to a near death experience by almost being mowed down into poodle pup or turned into road kill because NOBODY likes to actually remember the RULES OF THE FREAKING ROAD.......


Unless they get them in a lucky packet or bribe a loser "official" traffic cop to "earn" their license!

Gotta love SA!


I can now count how many times this has happened in about the last six months on more than 1 hand...

Wow messed up man I almost died.

I always look very very carefully before crossing the road but these losers think they are so "entitled" they don't give a flying frack and they move so damn quick you have next to no time to react!


I don't know just 1 I know a bazillion as they are all around me!

I am born and originally from Durbs (Durban - Very English - East Coast of SA) and I always thought everyone there used to seriously be joking when they said Cape Town drivers are actually the worst drivers in the world...


They were'nt joking at all not 1 single bit they were damn serious and I just thought they were joking!

Yikes bruizer!!

Next time... I will walk with a nice heavy brick in my hand so they think twice before tryin to run this little Roach over and turn me into Road Kill!! :D



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