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Reboot causes date to reset to 1/1/2000


Jul 11, 2012
The problem is: Every time I reboot the device (i.e. press and hold power button until it shuts off; press again to start up) I find that the date has reset to 1/1/2000. This probably started a few weeks ago.

When the device powers down on its own, this does not happen. (Not sure why it powers down once in a while -- I assume some kind of crash.)

System is Android 2.3.6.

The reason I need to reboot it manually is to swap out a low battery while away from an electrical outlet (it's a Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2 -- that's one of the benefits of this device).

Thanks for any suggestions.
Instead of pressing and holding power, what happens when you long-press it and hit "power off" so that it shuts down properly?
Holding in power is kinda the same as pulling the battery

Sorry -- Yes, what you described (long press, choose "power off" from options) is exactly what I do to shut down. I don't / didn't think there is any other way to shut my device down (other than pull the battery out which I have never done).
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