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[RECOVERY] Stayboogy's Philz Touch Recovery port ZTE Z998 [msm8960 / coeus / mustang]


Android Expert

ZTE Z998 [msm8960]

While I'm working on porting my TouchNav Recovery System to the ZTE Z998

I thought everyone might enjoy Philz Touch Recovery for the device.

Personally I hate non-touch recovery builds,

and the standard cwm builds are quickly becoming obsolete and utterly undesirable.

either flash it or boot it from bootloader

to flash, assuming recovery.img is on sdcard

dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery

to boot from bootloader, assuming recovery.img is in the directory your terminal is opened from, and assuming you have an actual working fastboot in your root /bin directory of your linux box

sudo fastboot boot recovery.img
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