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Help Rezound - Screen Visibility Outdoors

I currently have a Droid Incredible and I am available for an upgrade at the end of this month. The only problem I have with my Incredible is not being able to see the screen at all when I am outdoors. I am looking to grab either the Rezound or Galaxy Nexus. The only question holding me back from making my decision is not being able to find any information on the visibility of the Rezound when outdoors...and of course I can't test it myself without purchasing the phone first. Can anyone give me their opinions or post a picture of what the screen typically looks like outdoors? I really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.
I currently have a Droid Incredible and I am available for an upgrade at the end of this month. The only problem I have with my Incredible is not being able to see the screen at all when I am outdoors. I am looking to grab either the Rezound or Galaxy Nexus. The only question holding me back from making my decision is not being able to find any information on the visibility of the Rezound when outdoors...and of course I can't test it myself without purchasing the phone first. Can anyone give me their opinions or post a picture of what the screen typically looks like outdoors? I really appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.
It won't be as bad as the Dinc / AMOLED but any LCD will washout outdoors. I get my Rezound today. I'll take pics but it's overcast so it'll look good - lol.

Had my Rezound for a month now. The display is a little better than the DINC, which I had since the day it came out.

When I say, "a little better", it's just that. It's not totally washed out, but I still cannot read it. Don't get the Rezound in hopes the display will will be easier to read in direct sunlight - it isn't.
The GNex has essentially the same type of screen as the Inc, an AMOLED. If you don't like how your Inc worked, don't get the GNex. LCD screens like the one of the Rezound are supposed to be better in daylight, but really, none of them are perfect. You'd have to get one that specified daylight readable, like on the rugged tablets and laptops.
I have had the rezound for a month also. Here in Seattle we don't get a lot of direct sun but when we do I have always been able to read the screen by just angling the phone a bit. It is somewhat washed out but still very readable if I just get it out of the worst sun angle. Cant compare directly with the DINC only with the Droid and the rezound seems better to me.
When I say, "a little better", it's just that. It's not totally washed out, but I still cannot read it. Don't get the Rezound in hopes the display will will be easier to read in direct sunlight - it isn't.

Ditto. Love my Rez, but don't get one if visibility in direct sunlight is important to you. Probably any SAMOLED will be much better.
I had a Samsung Fascinate before changing to the Rezound. I believe the Fascinate had an AMOLED screen. When it came out, per the people on the forums, it had the most amazing screen to beat. It was nice, but I couldn't see it outside. I can't say that I can see the Rezound screen any better, and sounds like the GN screen is the same as my Fascinate.

(I think that was more rambling than an answer. Probably didn't half know what I was talking about either) :p
This is mis information; when the inc and nexus one came out (first generation amoled) they had real problems in sunlight so samsung worked on the technology and came out with super amoled (fascinate, vibrant, epic, - basically galaxy 1) which improved visbility outside. Folks complained about the pentil design so samsung came out with super amoled plus (galaxy s2).

The GNex has a super amoled screen (pentile design but decent visiblity outside). The higher resolution reduces the impact of the pentile design though some folks still see colour shift and others grab the mag. glass and point to high res images that shows the matrix.
Anyways - the gnex I tried (store display model) had a lot of issues so I passed on the device and report on the net has been very mixed (some think it is the best; others have issues ranging from soft glass (scratches); blown speaker; and reception issues. I have no clue if these are bad samples or if there are real issues (there is some indication that 4g reception is actually quite good but verizon has an issue on their side with authentication and is dropping the connection; however 3g is said to be a bit weaker on the gnex). The sample I tried; the voice in the ear piece was very garbled and that turned me off right away though perhaps I should have given it more of a chance.

The GNex has essentially the same type of screen as the Inc, an AMOLED. If you don't like how your Inc worked, don't get the GNex. LCD screens like the one of the Rezound are supposed to be better in daylight, but really, none of them are perfect. You'd have to get one that specified daylight readable, like on the rugged tablets and laptops.
I have a Droid X1 and RAZR.

My RAZR looks better than my Droid X1 outside. Probably doe to better viewing angles. Like if alot of light is hitting my screen, I can move the RAZR off center to see it better and it doesnt wash out.

With that said...the Bionic has an LCD screen and it supposedly looks the best of all these current phones outside. And it was supposed to be Super Amoled and SA+ was better than LCD when viewing outside.

I believe its a lil more than just LCD vs. Amoled with outdoor viewing with all the different screen tech thats out now.
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