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Root Ridiculous data speed!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Las Vegas, Nevada
I was curious if anyone else was getting these speeds when they are tethering or browsing....?


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There was a new cell tower put up at the end of my street where I live in Las Vegas about 2weeks ago and suddenly had a huge increase in data speed! Before it was put up Speed test would usually give me 7-12mbps now with the new tower up I've gotten these speeds consistantly for the last week ....gonna run Speed test after these Xbox updates finish.
I was pretty impressed to say the least.
Anyway I was curious if anyone else was getting these speeds when they are tethering or browsing....?

Nice... I've downloaded at 650kb/s here in the bay area on good days before and 200 kb/s on bads.
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My bad, misinterpreted the numbers, lol.
I'm not at all sure it is against their "terms of service"... tethering is a available option on atleast 2 phones that are for sale on their website right now...

It is in your case. To use those 2 phones with mobile hot spot you have to buy the additional plan. You can't use those phones as a mobile hot spot (legally) unless you purchase the additional plan. If you go and buy one of those phones and try to use the mobile hot spot feature and you haven't purchased the additional plan it'll tell you that your does not have permission to access the mobile hot spot feature. It's also a reason why Metro has blocked tethering for months and months now.
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At any rate, tethering is one of many reasons people root their phones. I have a actual payed for internet connection at home that has just not really been to usable this past week, so this would be one of the rare occasion that I actually use my tethering app... can't say that I feel like a criminal or feel that I'm doing something illegal for using it. It seems safe to say none of the countless Connect users that are tethering feel to guilty about using it either.....
But should the suits show up to get all us tethering criminals, I'm sure we'll all be pleading "NOT guilty"! Lol!
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The fcc just told Verizon that it had to let users who did not have unlimited data have access to tether apps, so I imagine it's only a matter of time before other carriers have to follow suit.

You are paying for the data already, it makes sense to be able to use it anyway you want.

Those with unlimited data is another story though.
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