Mr. Logic Pants
It works well enough in Europe, although I can see it failing herrendously in the US. Heck the only guns police have in my state are locked in the boots of 5 or 6 cars that swan around the cities. People still get robbed, and hardened criminals *do* shoot each other in gangland murders. But civilians very rarely get shot at, nevermind killed. People can still get guns if they try - some EU states have relatively liberal gun laws, and obviously farmers and hunters can aqquire them (and they can be transferred state to state even if its not quite legal: link). Generally automatic weapons are banned, but they can be aqquired.
TL;DR, In Europe only Police and criminals tend to have guns on them, but ordianry folks dont. Civilians dont get shot in robberies or assualts by and large. Not saying that would work in the US.
Is that why GUN CRIME is on the RISE in the UK since the gun ban?
Seems to be working great!