Zarabozo worked for private investigation and security companies and had a concealed handgun permit. Four days before chartering the Joe Cool, Zarabozo was accepted as an applicant to become a Miami-Dade police officer.
Better outlaw cops too then eh?
This is the type of action that anti-concealed carry people worry about happening? How often does this happen?
This not a story about a CWP holder attempting to defend himself and causing the death of an innocent in the process. And you know that is what is being discussed here. A story like this used to castigate gun owners is a staple of the anti-gun media; hype and fear-mongering..."look at how crazy those CWP'ers are! we must ban the carrying of guns!"
The information source's bias and credibility are questionable at best; the Violence Policy Center; an anti-gun lobbyist organization.
But I'll play along for a moment...what is the total number of permit holders over that same period of time as their data is collected?
Also, how many of those cases not ruled self-defense were questionable as to the quality of defense available to the defendant and other factors that have more to do with prosecutors out to make a name for themselves, politics and areas where a stand your ground law and/or castle doctrine might not have been in effect?
Would the older cases be ruled upon differently under the law in the respective States today? In other words, how many charges of murder were due to bad laws on the books at the time?
And lastly, those numbers include suicides which is hardly cause for concern for a citizen out in public.
Either way, the hyping of 402 people killed (including suicides) out of millions of permit holders is making mountains out of a molehill.