I've been looking for a ROM that improves battery life, this seems to be the best one so far, that has the most phone features still working.
Does anyone know if this will work ok after the ZV9 update?
I recently inherited this phone after my friend switched to Sprint (I am trying to keep unlimited data on VZW so my options for new phones are slim without spending a pretty penny). He purchased an extended battery, but this thing still dies ridiculously fast, to the point where I need to keep it plugged in whenever I am not using it.
I understand that the majority of the battery drain is in how I use it, and I do use it for graphically intense games (if PvZ2 can be considered graphically intense). But since I'm rooted with recovery, I might as well start trying to flash stuff in an effort to improve performance.
Thanks in advance. I had the ZV9 update performed before rooting and installing CWM, if that matters.