Incorrect. Apparently it did hurt
So I flashed the new boot.img. This gave me the hanging boot animation (odd since I'd had it disabled unless the boot.img affected that somehow). I went ahead and ADB'd in and did a dmesg dump. Being that the only thing that changed was this new boot.img I then took the original boot.img (from the downloaded zip) and moved that back over then did another dmesg dump.
I'm unsure if these will help at all or if there's something else I should be looking at to provide you more information.
I was going to just post the compare changes, but there seems to be a lot of them.
New Boot:
New_Boot -
Original Boot:
Original Boot -
I'd mess with it more, but I use my phone as my alarm clock so I don't want to brick it for the night.
Ok, maybe this isn't necessarily related to the new boot.img. I was playing with bootanimations by pushing them to /data/local/ to get rid of the pink unicorn and everytime I put a new bootanimation in there it does the same bootanimation loop thing, even with the original boot.img. Not sure why, but figured it might be worth mentioning. Also, anytime it bootanimation loops, the screen will timeout and the power button brings it back to the bootanimation. Removing the /data/local/ through adb and rebooting through adb makes it boot perfectly fine again.