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[ROM] X10x EW Jet V009.3ex (R3D, ARC, LauncherPro and Zeam launchers) - 03MAY11


Apr 11, 2011
NEW X10x EW Jet V009.3ex - CLEAN VERSION - Faster and Smoother so far :)

Introducing the modules concept for a faster, smooth and clean rom:
Note: Modules are to be installed via xRecovery. Full Package is for all stock applications. Flash if you feel like there's something missing from the rom, but performance will suffer.

X10x EW Jet V009.3ex with New Zeam, New Regina 3D, Arc, or LauncherPro Launchers

This is a custom rom, modified and optimized for both the X10a and X10i based on the stock 2.1 Generic 2.1.1.A.0.16 for X10i. It's planned to be even faster yet (New tweaks available), so it doesn't have much of the crapware that comes with the stock rom from SE.
It is natively rooted, and comes with:
  • xRecovery (last version of FreeXperiaRecovery)
  • BusyBox(optimized)
  • SuperUser (latest version)
  • Dolphin Mini Web Browser - New version 2.1.1
  • Zeam Launcher (latest version)
  • NEW ARC Launcher from new Sony ARC
  • Link2SD* (very useful and handy app.. strongly recommended) (thanks to bakpinar)
  • PC Companion removed to improve startup performance
  • Optimized Semc Camera V010 (Thanks to 28spawn)
  • Native adblocking (no need to install AdFree)
  • HTC Keyboard (lastest version from XDA)
  • Cool Black Theme (thanks to EMPREX 2)
  • Many other improvements!

Tweaked for performance and battery life!
  • Compression and compliation improved
  • Optimized and zipaligned
  • Tweaked services
  • Removed unnecessary services
  • sysctl.conf (tweaked)
  • build.prop (tweaked)
  • JIT V2
  • multitouch (tweaked)
  • native adblocking
  • mediscape
  • Google Maps and Market

*Important tip: The higher your SD card's class number, the better the performance. For example, a class 8 is much better than a class 2 due to higher transfer rates in class 6 compared to a class 2. Your device's performance will vary depending on the SDCard that you have. So choose a higher class number instead a low and be happy.
LINK2SD is provided witht his rom. Here's some tips
Originally Posted by smartgardens
Hi Guys, I just want to help some of you who want to use the link2sd app in this rom, i have provided a link of the tools you need with easy to follow instructions, you do not even have to take your sdcard out of the phone, please though before you try anything, make a backup of your sdcard on your pc.
Once you have made your partition, open the link2sd app, give it superuser permission and then start moving your apps, please be aware that apps which have widgets are to be left on the phone memory or they not work.
Lastly, any questions about setting your partition are best aimed at the thread there not here out of respect for Erick, the tool provided in the thread makes the process easy, so do not be afraid to try and the benefits are for a faster cleaner phone.
[App] Link2SD - xda-developers
How to backup and restore your data easily:
Originally Posted by smartgardens
Hi, THere is a easy way of updating each rom and installing all your apps and data, do this...
Make a backup of the rom you are using now with xrecovery, install one of Ericks new builds, before rebooting go into restore/advanced restore, choose the backup up you made earlier then select restore data, after that has flashed reboot your phone and your phone will be running with all your apps and settings, i do this all the time, it is a quick way of flashing new roms, hope this helps you.
Thanks to my friend Smartgardens for the tips above.

I would like to invite you to try this blazing fast yet stable ROM today! I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have. Please remember that you are doing so at your own risk and I am not responsible for bricking your phone or any other damage that may ensue.

1. Rooted 2.1 ROM (latest .435 or .16 firmware and baseband 2.1.54 or 2.1.55 or the new 2.1.58 - tested and recommended) If you don't have it, please go to Bin4ry's [GUIDE] and use this tool from Bin4ry and Androxyde to flash both. First flash the firmware .435 and afterwards, the new baseband.
2. working xRecovery

.1. Optional: Back up your mobile data APNs using APN Backup, as they will be erased when flashing this ROM. An xRecovery backup may also be created.
1. Factory reset, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, and wipe battery stats.
2. Flash the X10.2.1.1.A.0.16.EWJET.XXx.XX.zip package via xRecovery
3. Reboot and for tweaking purposes, remember to enable "Unknown sources" and Development/"USB debugging" under Settings -> Applications
4. Configure Link2SD, and install this tweak through xRecovery: ew.tweakz.zip
Note: At first, you may experience some lag, as some libraries are still loading/caching. This lag will go away soon, and your X10 will fly!

I will answer only for bugs and errors for another or further information drop me a PM.
If you like it a click at "Thanks" is enough.


EWJET ZeamEx V009.3ex: ( My daily rom smoothest so far! )
(NEW FLAVOR) X10x ZeamEx Mod: : EW JET ZeamEx V009ex (NEW FLAVOR)
ATTENTION: Please, choose bellow your web browser that should be installed through Xrecovery after flashed the rom of your choice:
[+]Dolphin Mini Web Browser DolphinMini.zip
[+]Maxthon Web Browser Maxthon.zip
Small Description: Using NEW Zeam launcher and removed web browser (you need to choose, download and install your web browser through Xrecovery) it's a clean version given you the option to customize your rom.This new version has more and new improvements regarding tweaks (SDCard tweaked, Memory Management tweaked), optimizations and fixed minor bugs. FASTEST and SMOOTHEST SO FAR! (ATTENTION: After start Link2SD, reboot and configure it (FIRST TIME ONLY), you must to install the following tweak patch: ew.tweaks004.6.zip )

EWJET R3DEx V009ex (Regina 3D launcher):
ATTENTION: Please, choose bellow your web browser that should be installed through Xrecovery after flashed the rom of your choice:
[+]Dolphin Mini Web Browser DolphinMini.zip
[+]Maxthon Web Browser Maxthon.zip
Small Description: Using NEW Regina 3D launcher and removed web browser (you need to choose, download and install your web browser through Xrecovery) it's a clean version given you the option to customize your rom.This new version has more and new improvements regarding tweaks (SDCard tweaked, Memory Management tweaked), optimizations and fixed minor bugs. FASTEST and SMOOTHEST SO FAR! (ATTENTION: After start Link2SD, reboot and configure it (FIRST TIME ONLY), you must to install the following tweak patch: ew.tweaks004.6.zip )

EWJET ArcEx V009.3ex:
(NEW FLAVOR) X10x ArcEx Mod: EW JET ArcEx V009.3ex (NEW FLAVOR)
ATTENTION: Please, choose bellow your web browser that should be installed through Xrecovery after flashed the rom of your choice:
[+]Dolphin Mini Web Browser DolphinMini.zip
[+]Maxthon Web Browser Maxthon.zip
Small Description: Using NEW SONY ARC launcher and removed web browser (you need to choose, download and install your web browser through Xrecovery) it's a clean version given you the option to customize your rom.This new version has more and new improvements regarding tweaks (SDCard tweaked, Memory Management tweaked), optimizations and fixed minor bugs. FASTEST and SMOOTHEST SO FAR! (ATTENTION: After start Link2SD, reboot and configure it (FIRST TIME ONLY), you must to install the following tweak patch: ew.tweaks004.6.zip )

EWJET LauncherProEx V009ex:
(NEW FLAVOR) X10x LProEx Mod: : EW JET LProEx V009ex (NEW FLAVOR)
ATTENTION: Please, choose bellow your web browser that should be installed through Xrecovery after flashed the rom of your choice:
[+]Dolphin Mini Web Browser DolphinMini.zip
[+]Maxthon Web Browser Maxthon.zip
Small Description: Using NEW LauncherPro launcher and removed web browser (you need to choose, download and install your web browser through Xrecovery) it's a clean version given you the option to customize your rom.This new version has more and new improvements regarding tweaks (SDCard tweaked, Memory Management tweaked), optimizations and fixed minor bugs. FASTEST and SMOOTHEST SO FAR! (ATTENTION: After start Link2SD, reboot and configure it (FIRST TIME ONLY), you must to install the following tweak patch: ew.tweaks004.6.zip )

- Released version 009.3ex
- Patch version 004.6 ew.tweaks004.6.zip (Should be installed after start, configure and reboot Link2SD - FIRST TIME ONLY - )


- Gingerbread Theme (Thanks SEMPITERNAL): X.Gbread-1.7-Eclair.2.1-2.1.A.0.435.FW.by.SEMPITERNAL.zip

- Froyo Theme (Thanks SEMPITERNAL): X.FX10-1.5-2.1.Official.ROM.2.1.A.0.435.FW.by.SEMPITERNAL.zip

- HoneyComb Theme (Thanks go3asy): BitSnacker.comHoneycombArcEclair_x10_2.1.A.0.435_v2.6.by.go3asy.zip

- Black Theme (Thanks hierarchy666): BLACKArcBAT.by.hierarchy666.zip

- Blue Arc Gingerbread (Thanks hierarchy666): BLUEArcGBreadBAT.by.hierarchy666.zip

- Carbon Arc (Thanks hierarchy666): CARBONArcBAT.by.hierarchy666.zip

- Green Arc Gingerbread (Thanks hierarchy666): GREENArcGBreadBAT.by.hierarchy666.zip

- Pink Arc (Thanks hierarchy666): GREENArcGBreadBAT.by.hierarchy666.zip

Tweaks: Data/App and System/App zipaligned on demand, tweaks in compilation process, system variables tweaked (Introducing a new tweaking option, one step forward to OTA), SDCard speed improvement, better Memory Management so far, other minor tweaks (Dalvik Optimizations... bla bla..).
Added: New Link2SD, New Google Maps, New Market, New Titanium Backup Free, New Launchers Zeam and Regina 3D (R3D).
Removed: Native Web Browser, user can choose the browser of his preference.

Sync your files using EW JET rom and across computers with @Dropbox. 2GB account is free! Click here to donate me 250MB without spending a penny, and get 2.25GB for yourself. ;)

- Maxthon Browser - Seize the Web

Thanks to my friends smartgardens, MrHassel, DooMLoRD, Simon for their collaboration!
Special thanks goes to Kevin Wu for organize this content.
Thank you to these generous and kind people for their donations:
- smartgardens - Paypal Confirmation number: 5XWXXXXXXX42
- cnewsgrp - Paypal Confirmation number: 7UPXXXXXXXXX3J
- peter.neilmann - Paypal Confirmation number: 9VPXXXXXXXX9L

(v010.1xxx and v020.1xxx) - stock .apk optimized
(v010.1xxx and v020.1xxx) - new BusyBox version
(v010.1xxx and v020.1xxx) - new Link2SD version
(v010.1xxx and v020.1xxx) - Minor tweaks and improvements in compilation process
(old versions) - Added Live Wallpaper and Wallpaper resources
(old versions) - Added new version of Google Maps and Google Market
(old versions) - Added TimeScape for flavor Black Theme + ARC V010x
(old versions) - Added TimeScape for flavor Black Theme V020x
(old versions) - Removed SemcBrowser (Stock Browser)
(old versions) - Added Dolphin HD Mini 2.0 for better performance (New version 2.0)
(old versions) - Customized HTC Keyboard
(old versions) - Added APN Backup and Restore (Last version)
(old versions) - Added Titanium Backup Free (Last version)
(old versions) - Fixed SMS Settings and other minor issues

PS2. Here you go some screens shot...


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