I'm definitely not afraid of the word (If you look at my post in the French President thread, I rant about how we Americans are programmed to think it's a bad word). I only mention it because we're so programmed to believe that things like "socialized medicine" are bad for us.
It's actually sad to think about it, the government wants to tax us to make sure that EVERY individual is medically covered for any health issues, but so many people have been led to believe that that's a BAD thing. I don't know, if everyone is being covered, a few benefits I see right away, companies don't have to worry about that as an expense when hiring new people, and ultimately, employees are healthy, I really don't see why it's such a bad thing? Sure, people argue that government is too inefficient to handle something like Universal Healthcare with the efficiency of a for profit company, but do I really want an entity that is FOR PROFIT running my health care?
I always hear the argument from the right that they shouldn't have to be forced to contribute to do something for the greater good, and typically the people I speak with have school aged children and are rather hypocritical when I try to agree with them. I tend to mention School Zones and property taxes that go towards school districts. I tell them that I shouldn't have to be forced to slow down through a school zone nor pay property taxes because I don't have any children. I tell them that since I chose not to have children then I shouldn't be forced to slow down for someone else's children nor to pay property taxes for the local school. At that point they try to give me the whole spiel about how giving taxes to the school is for the "greater good" since you wouldn't want these children growing up uneducated and not being able to compete globally. And then they mention about how school zones ensure the safety of all the children. At that point I agree with them and ask them to explain to me the difference in that line of thinking towards schools and universal healthcare, to which I guess Faux News hasn't been able to formulate a response.....