Well-Known Member
I have quite a few examples of people on welfare that abuse the system as well. Having worked at Walmart in high school, I saw it first hand. I remember ringing up one woman who had over $100 worth of food, and a bar of soap. She had items like filet mignon and other extravagant itmes. Since the bar of soap wasn't a food stamp item, she paid cash. She actually pulled out a WAD of $100 bills and paid for the bar of soap with a hundred.
Not every welfare case abuses the system. There are more than there should be of course, but reform should be the first attempt at cutting costs, not denying a bunch of families that truly depend on the service.
Just to be clear, I wasn't advocating that we should drop welfare simply because a few people abuse the system...there will always be people attempting to cheat. However, we could probably use some rather significant reforms. Making ridiculous things legal such as allowing people to claim luxuries (cable tv) as part of their necessary, monthly utility bills is just insane. I have no problem with helping out those who are less fortunate. Just don't allow them to claim ridiculous things and if they cheat the system, cut them off.
I think the problem is that this country is so polarized that people take an all or nothing, black vs. white stance on everything. However, I find that rarely is an issue so simple that it can be broken down in such terms. Most issues we face today are complex and the best solution is some shade of grey that sits in the middle of the two polar opposites.
I think we need to cut spending AND raise taxes, at least on the wealthy. I'm not talking about a large increase...just put the tax rates back for the wealthy (need a definition here...those making over $1 million?) to what they were during the Clinton era. Not only was that one of the most prosperous times for our country (granted, it had more to do with the expansion of the internet than anything), it was the last time we have run a budget surplus in recent history.
The Daily Show had a great opening one day where Obama was proposing a 0.7% tax increase on those making over $1 million. The GOP blasted this saying you cant raise taxes during a recession and that it would only raise a mere $700 billion...which apparently meant nothing because our debt is in the trillions. Then they rolled clips of Republicans saying that we need to cut spending instead, like cut funding for NPR which would save about A MILLION DOLLARS. They emphasized 1 million as if it were some huge savings. But apparently $700 billion isn't. There were several more examples and I don't recall what they were, but it was pretty hilarious.
Also, the fair tax looks pretty awesome!