Ron Paul coming in second shows how much the voting public is starting to change. Sadly the problem with people from my generation(X for those keeping score) are quite Democrat. If they only listened to what Ron Paul has to say, they would know he doesn't tailor his speeches to a particular audience, like our most popular politicians. I can't figure out why the stoner crowd hasn't gotten behind this guy, along with the Tea Party. He was preaching about Tea Party values before the Tea Party was around. This is a guy who really can reach across all parties, but no one is taking him seriously. You would think the lack of attention he gets during all these debates, and the lack of coverage in the media would tell people he is for real. He doesn't buddy up to anyone with a checkbook.
Ron Paul has a better chance than before, but its still a long shot. If anyone can turn this abortion around it would be him. But I think both parties in Congress would be unified in fighting him on everything. We have corruption in all levels of government, yet people are still willing to toe the party line because their parents were (insert party here), and so were their parents, and their parents parents, and after that probably the Wig party I guess.
I'm going to Mexico, at least there I can buy my way out of trouble openly without having to make "campaign contributions".