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Root Root-->wireless tether-->laptop?

OK. I'll try here.
Downloaded/installed Easy Root.
Downloaded/installed Wireless Tether.

When up and running shows phone is "rooted" and the wifi is set on but am not getting it/logging on with laptop or another droid set to scan for network. What next? Seems so close.


I'm not exactly sure but I think you need a kernel that supports wifi tethering. Not exactly hard to get since I'm pretty sure all of them support it. Just pick one to your liking and it should work. As for another droid not seeing the wifi, I'm actually pretty sure it's not going to. I remember reading somewhere that droids can't pick up other droids wifi hotspot.
Thank you. Do you get the kernel from the market or where? Exactly what is it called?

I'd suggest that you actually read the sticky post about froyo kernels... its at the top of the forum area you are posting in and sticky posts should always be read first anyway...
Yes, thank you oh wise one. And, your comment actually helps me how? The sticky is extremely confusing. And, there are only so many hours in a day. What kernel will do the job? That is my question again.
There is no quick fix to properly root a Droid and make everything work. It takes a bit of time to learn all the different components and how to install them. If you read the stickys as suggested by rdsok you will understand what a kernel is and how to install it and the other components. I agree that a kernel that supports Wifi is needed once you have rooted in order to use Wifi tethering. There are many different kernels, and sometimes Droid's can be a bit fussy with with ones they will work with, more so in regards to speed and frequency. ChevyNo1 and P3Droid's kernels are what I have used so far and had success with. There are many great posts and documents around this site to learn from, which is what I would suggest to do first before continuing as to prevent possible damage to your Droid.
OK humility oh noob one. You the kernel can be swapped out by installing a new one just like you did your rom or that new theme. Try them all out. I like chevy#1 ulv but you will have to see for yourself which one works best. Wifi tether will be a fitting prize for your effort in learning all the tricks.
Fyi, I used easy root on my moto Droid with Foyo (forced upgrade), and downloaded Wireless Tether. From the market. At first it would connect with my laptop, but not push data through. I disabled the access control plus no encryption and viola! Works perfectly.
Is there some reason you wouldn't use barnacle instead of tethering? I've used PDAnet and barnacle and don't really see a performance hit either way . . . .
Is there some reason you wouldn't use barnacle instead of tethering? I've used PDAnet and barnacle and don't really see a performance hit either way . . . .

Yes, if the kernel is the issue, then barnacle might be a good alternative. I haven't used it personally, so I can't speak to its performance, but it looks like it should work with a rooted droid without a custom kernel.

Now I would personally suggest using a custom ROM, ChevyNo1's simply stunning and Bugless Beast are my favorites. They include wifi tether kernels, and also allow for overclocking if you should be so inclined.

Doing it this way provides some confidence that whatever kernel your using is compatible with your ROM. Kernels can be very finicky on different Droid handsets, but when you get the ROM and kernel packaged together, chances are they will work well.

If you don't want to apply a custom rom, then you really just have to experiment with different kernels. Most current ones will support wifi tether. It's really just a process of elimination until you find one that works with your setup and is stable. In my experience, using a custom ROM simplifies this process.

I have a ton of experience with wifi tether (my droid was my main internet connection for a while), so if you're still experiencing issues, just let me know. I'm glad to help.
Barnacle works with a plain jane rooted phone - but does require root.

PDAnet works with rooted or non-rooted.

The OP is already rooted, so screw PDAnet, get the free alternatives.

I'm going to check out barnacle though for sure. Wifi tether works fine most of the time but hiccups occasionally on the connection.
The deal is PDAnet free for everything but SSL connections which limits your web browsing.

Interestingly enough, and not that I would suggest not giving the guys their due ($$$) and have in fact personally paid for the app on both the palm platform and Android, you can in fact use the free PDAnet for anything as long as you surf through a VPN. Imagine a proxy might work too.
Thank you all for your input. I got easy root and Barnacle going. I am going to try this before adding a kernel. As "kernelling" seems to sometimes add a heat issue for the battery. Again, thanks to you all.
Something you may run into next - Barnacle provides an "ad-hoc network" - depending on what machine or device you use to connect you may have issues as some OS security policy, VPNs and even hardware (I think Apple stuff) has issues with an unsecure Ad-hoc network. I believe it is a limitation of the Droid not a software thing.

For a windows machine where you have admin rights and no fancy corporate security policy - it works great.
Thank you all for your input. I got easy root and Barnacle going. I am going to try this before adding a kernel. As "kernelling" seems to sometimes add a heat issue for the battery. Again, thanks to you all.

Great! I hope that works for you. Don't let the naysayers and noobs cause you trepidation in applying custom kernels, though. Like I said earlier, once you find the right one, your droid's performance and battery life can improve dramatically through overclocking and cpu throttling with SetCPU, and temperatures should not be an issue with the proper kernel. Once you get comfortable with rooting/romming (which it sounds like you're well on your way!) and you have some spare time, it's well worth exploring the possibilities.

Something you may run into next - Barnacle provides an "ad-hoc network" - depending on what machine or device you use to connect you may have issues as some OS security policy, VPNs and even hardware (I think Apple stuff) has issues with an unsecure Ad-hoc network. I believe it is a limitation of the Droid not a software thing.

For a windows machine where you have admin rights and no fancy corporate security policy - it works great.

The native wifi tether app is the same way (ad-hoc). Ironically enough, the only devices that I've run into problems with in connecting to the droid's ad-hoc network are other android devices. Apple products seem to play pretty well with the connection, as do windows machines and the few iterations of linux that I've experimented with.
Ended up with "Easy Root" and "Wifi Tether" and then I was able to hook up to the internet with a Mac Book. Barnacle didn't seem to work, I probably didn't do something just right. Next step, I am getting an iPad wifi. Again, thanks for the help to all and to this forum.
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