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Root Rugby Smart Basebands (Radio interface components)


Android Expert
Mar 7, 2012
Pasco, WA
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for damages caused by flashing this file. This may or may not work on Canadian and European systems. Flash at your own risk!

For those that recieved the OTA update a few months ago, you may have noticed a slightly slower but more consistent and stronger signal. This is due to the baseband that came with the update. Well, now we know where that is located, so we can change it.

Thanks to newbit of xda, I bring you clockworkmod flashable basebands.

UCLA4 (initial)

To install:
1. Download the file, and place it on your EXTERNAL SD card

2. Boot into recovery and select "install zip from sd card", then "choose zip from sd card"

3. Scroll down to either ucla4.zip or uclh4.zip and select it.

4. Select yes and let the file run.

5. Reboot the device

I make no promises that this will work on anything older than, as that is all I use.

UPDATE: I can confirm that these also work on TWRP, though that side project hasn't been announced yet ;).


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