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Runs hot - is this normal?


Android Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2009
Seems like since 2.1 my Droid runs hot when doing extended surfing or using the car dock. It gets very hot in the car dock (with GPS and navigation running). Combine that with the heat effects of the sun and the Droid gets very hot. Any one else notice this?

Seems like this would be bad for both the Droid and the Droid battery. Normal?
How hot is 'hot'?

I got curious the other day, and installed an app to check. Turns out mine was getting up to 119 degrees F, (not rooted). To-the-touch, this happens fairly often while charging, and performance never suffers (as I've seen with other devices overheating), so I'd assume it was normal under certain conditions.
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There are a ton of threads about this: http://androidforums.com/search.php?searchid=1700230

The simple answer is yes it gets pretty hot sometimes and it's fine. The CPU can operate at up to 220F and shouldn't stay at over 160F for long periods of time and the battery itself should not go above 160F.

It's highly unlikely you've ever reached temperatures like this. They are hot enough to cause some serious pain if you touched the phone when it was that hot.

I'm overclocked to 1200mhz and the highest I've ever seen (while using navigation in the dock) was 140F. I think the combination of moving graphics, constant activity on the 3G, constant activity on the GPS and possibly being connected to the charger are what make it so much hotter than normal.
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The processors and components in ANY electronic device use electrical current to function. The side effect of this is heat. The more components there are doing more things, the more heat is dissipated.

Yes, your phone will get warm when you have it in the car dock with the screen on, Maps running, GPS on, etc etc - it's doing more, so it's consuming more power... which results in more heat.

This is entirely normal.
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How hot is 'hot'?

I got curious the other day, and installed an app to check. Turns out mine was getting up to 119 degrees F, (not rooted). To-the-touch, this happens fairly often while charging, and performance never suffers (as I've seen with other devices overheating), so I'd assume it was normal under certain conditions.

Well, mine gets very very hot while in the car dock. I guess I could just ignore this and if it melts down get it replaced under warranty... I noticed that even while plugged in while in the car dock, the charge was dropping. I unplugged and turned off the GPS and navigation when the charged dropped to 50% and the phone was very hot to the touch.

What app can I run with a non-rooted phone to getting a temperature reading??
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Mine did get very warm using GPS when it was stock. I rooted and OC'd to 1Ghz and it was getting hot even when not doing all that much intensive stuff. Lowered it to 600Mhz and found that all the speed and snappiness that I had at 1Ghz is still there at 600Mhz and it runs much cooler. A win win. Pete's rom must be just that good :)
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What app can I run with a non-rooted Droid to getting a temperature reading?? Is there such a thing?

TempMonitor Lite makes no mention of having to be rooted. :thinking: I'm not sure. I also found "System Info Widget" which appears to monitor the temp as well.

The only time my DROID gets really hot is when I forget to turn off the GPS receiver and I move indoors where a satellite can't be found. Maybe it's just the DROID getting ticked off at me. :D
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