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Help S3 - ActiveSync - OWA & contacts disappear


Jul 27, 2012
Samsung Galaxy S3 - I am having issues with the Exchange ActiveSync and Contacts. I did a factory reset on the phone then added the Exchange info. Everything worked like with the first setup. Then the next day the contacts were gone. I removed the Exchange account from the phone and installed it again. Again, it worked, then contacts were gone.

I think I figured out that our Exchange Server Field box should be populated with mail.xxx.com/owa when the contacts disappear the OWA is always missing from that field.

What would cause the OWA to disappear? I think if we can figure this out we might have the issue resolved. Could it have anything to do with WiFi? The email and calendar work fine with or without the OWA. But having contacts disappear is a huge issue as I'm sure you all can image.

Thanks for any help, suggestions!


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