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samsung epic & sprint service


Nov 7, 2010
hey all, im getting very flustrated with sprint! being new to the forum and new to sprint i really don't know where to post this but i really need help! ok everyone probly knows that sprint gives you a spending limit on your account right? my spending limit is $300... i have not purchased anything what so ever, not ringtones or anthing except a game that was $2.99 and i payed with my credit card... can someone tell me why my spending limit keeps is showing that i have purchased something?? its says i have spent $135.00 out of $300. what the hell is sprint charging me for!! how can i find out what they are chargin me for?

i had this problem last month and i called the service rep and complained and told them that i haven't bought anything. they fixed the problem now its doing it again i just don't get it! im about ready to throw sprint out the dam door! i know i can call them today but its 214 am and i just seen this on my account it makes me mad i really think i hate sprint!

if anyone knows what could be going on please let me know thanks!
The spending limit is basically the maximum your bill can reach until they suspend your service. For example, if you have a $300 spending limit, and your bill is $140, you will have $160 left on your spending limit as soon as that bill generates. Any Sprint downloads, overages or premium services will come off the spending limit as well.

If you go a while with good bill standing they will usually lift the spending limit. Or based on the credit check, you may be approved with no spending limit right from the start.
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