okay, just gave it a test ... too much stuff floating around in this old brain.
With the adb pull command you can use it on a single file or a whole folder, but wildcards do not work. In the adb shell you can copy files using the "cp" command but only within the phone's mounted partition, not back to the PC ... so it's adb pull for you.
On your PC create a target folder called "backup" on your C: drive.
If you are in the adb shell, type "exit" to drop back to the command prompt. I am going to assume your files are all in /sdcard/total_recall and you want to copy them to C:\backup. You'd type
adb pull /sdcard/total_recall c:/backup/
Please note that in the adb command you want forward slashes not back slashes as used in the windows command shell. That should copy everything in "total_recall" to your backup folder. Obviously, if the location and destination are different, then adjust the command accordingly.