Okay, I'll play devil's advocate.
Outdated case? You mean the single best designed smartphone shell on the planet, right? That outdated case? I love my S2, and think it's pretty slick, but it still feels and looks like a plastic display model the moment my wife's iPhone walks into the room (iLegs!)
Out of date tech? Not really. It's not open like Android but it's a very advanced OS that is incredibly easy to use. It's very intuitive, fun, and flat out gorgeous.
I honestly don't know why Android people get so angry about Apple and the iPhone. It's helped create the market we've grown to love, and is responsible for keeping Google on its toes. This isn't a zero sum game, there's money and market for everyone.
Advanced OS? Not even close. You quite simply can't do nearly the amount of things you can do on an Android Phone with an iPhone.
We hate Apple because we see Apple has an incredibly arrogant company who doesn't innovate and simply copies what is in Android, and releases incremental updates in their one phone a year, but the iSheep line up in droves to buy one. It's pretty pathetic really.
Furthermore, if Apple had its way, it would sue every other Android manufacturer out of existence. Because they can't keep up with the pace of innovations from other manufacturers, there answer is a lawsuit. And quite ridiculous lawsuits at that, such as software patents and patenting the shape of a device. THEY'RE TRYING TO BAN THE SALES OF PRODUCTS. They're doing whatever they can to make themselves the only game in town.