Just an update... after calling back and finally getting to a supervisor, reexplaining my situation, the supervisor decided to go around the system and send out a replacement phone (I think they are documenting this as a warranty type of replacement even though I'm past that- as a customer loyalty thing).
I get a phone from Verizon, and I send them the naughty MEID.
So, as often is the case, call back again and again and again until you get someone willing to do something to help you.
So eventually I did get this fixed--- but you really need to be aware that
buying a used phone could mean you get stuck big time. The supervisor had no way of removing the current phone from the "bad" list. It is not an option on his computer. Luckily I got someone smart who was willing to bend a little to help me find a solution.
However, be aware I asked him, "if i buy 10 used phones from 10 different people, and you tell me the MEID's are "clean", 12 months later all ten of those could be deactivated for the
prior owner's being on a "bad" list and I would have
no recourse?"
The answer: "
I don't know any way to avoid the risk being on your shoulders when you buy a used phone now. My advice is the same that goes with lending money to a friend...if you can't afford to lose the money, then don't do it.