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School Lunch

The peanutbutter swirl was really tasty....back then I didnt KNOW it was potatoe with powder sugar mixed... I thought I was eating a school version of those old Brock caramel candies.. Remember the caramel with powder sugar center? Thats what these tasted like.



Then one day I actually saw my mom making some for us one summer....silly me wouldnt eat it because I "saw" potatoes...like they dont go together....lol like "carrot" cake zS

I remember those candies! Carrot cake is horrible but my best friend loves it
Ha, ha. Try bringing anything with peanuts to a school nowadays. You get within 1,000 feet of the school with a PBJ and they call the swat team.

I don't know what has changed in the 30 or so years since I was in grade school, but they way they treat peanut allergies today make me think that I should have seen kids dropping like flies at lunch. And I don't mean this as an insult to folks with peanut allergies, I know it is real. I just don't know why it seems like a recent phenomenon.

Because we have become a germaphobe society. And have you noticed the lists of foods most doctors recommend pregnant women NOT eat? Our parents ate it all, smoked and drank and how many of us have serious allergies - not nearly as many as now I'd bet. And the list of don't feed before the age of 2 foods is ridiculous too. IMHO anyway.
...school lunch yuck!...

(you guys notice a certain "sheen" or "glow" about Pup-kact?....)

Ok..back on topic......skool lunch....phooie
Because we have become a germaphobe society. And have you noticed the lists of foods most doctors recommend pregnant women NOT eat? Our parents ate it all, smoked and drank and how many of us have serious allergies - not nearly as many as now I'd bet. And the list of don't feed before the age of 2 foods is ridiculous too. IMHO anyway.

The germaphobe society thing is swinging in the other direction. I saw some morning show that had a mom that would allow her daughter to crawl around on her nasty uncleaned floor. She claims it will help strengthen her baby's immune system, but I think she was just trying to justify not having to mop the floor. "Oh yeah I let my baby drink from the toilet. She's got to build up her immune system doesn't she? And I don't have to get up from watching Dr. Phil every minute when she's thirsty..."
Ha, ha. Try bringing anything with peanuts to a school nowadays. You get within 1,000 feet of the school with a PBJ and they call the swat team.

I don't know what has changed in the 30 or so years since I was in grade school, but they way they treat peanut allergies today make me think that I should have seen kids dropping like flies at lunch. And I don't mean this as an insult to folks with peanut allergies, I know it is real. I just don't know why it seems like a recent phenomenon.

I don't think it's because there are more kids with peanut allergies but it's just a precaution taken for those few kids with peanut allergies as peanut allergies can kill. I know there was a case here (Canada) where a kid ate cafeteria food that was contaminated with peanut. The kid had a horrible allergic reaction and died. Also, little kids trade their lunches at school, and I have heard cases where the little ones with allergies ate their friends' food with traces of peanut and had some kind of allergic reaction to it. If your kid has sever peanut allergies, you want to send your kid to school knowing that they will be safe and not fearing that they might die.

Here's a blurb of the case
On Sept. 30, 2003, doctors at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa removed 13-year-old Sabrina Shannon from life support. A day earlier she suffered anaphylactic shock after eating french fries in her high school cafeteria.

Shannon knew of her allergies and was diligent in making sure that the food she ate was safe. She was at risk of anaphylaxis to peanuts, dairy products and soy.

Shannon had eaten fries at the cafeteria once before, after checking to make sure that they were not fried in peanut oil. What proved deadly was the tongs used to serve the fries. They were also used to serve poutine, coming in contact with cheese. Cross-contamination killed the young student.

Almost three years later, the Ontario government passed a law — dubbed Sabrina's Law — that requires schools across the province to ensure that they have an emergency plan in place to deal with anaphylaxis.


Edit: upon re-reading...this was a dairy allergy that caused her allergy reaction >_>;
I don't think it's because there are more kids with peanut allergies but it's just a precaution taken for those few kids with peanut allergies as peanut allergies can kill. I know there was a case here (Canada) where a kid ate cafeteria food that was contaminated with peanut. The kid had a horrible allergic reaction and died. Also, little kids trade their lunches at school, and I have heard cases where the little ones with allergies ate their friends' food with traces of peanut and had some kind of allergic reaction to it. If your kid has sever peanut allergies, you want to send your kid to school knowing that they will be safe and not fearing that they might die.

Here's a blurb of the case


Edit: upon re-reading...this was a dairy allergy that caused her allergy reaction >_>;

That DID happen to me when I was 14. Dairy products put me in I.C.U. for over a week because I couldnt breathe. Had people "TELLING" me I wasnt allergic and if so, its only lactose intoll...well.. The substance "dairy" swollen up every tissue it touched or asorbed inside from my mouth throat on down......almost died
It definitely makes you wonder what has happened to change how many people are affected by peanut allergies. Have peanut farmers changed the chemicals used to maintain peanuts? Have peanut manufacturers changed how they process peanuts? Has something physiological changed within humans that has triggered our processing of peanuts? I personally think that if your body is showing an allergic reaction to something (food, air, water, pets etc) then your body is trying to tell you to keep your distance. Sure, whatever ails you may be harmless but why expose yourself to it even more or defeat your body's defense mechanism against it?

It's just like with Rico's posts, they're mildly irritating and they're not necessarily bad for me (not all of them at least) but I don't just sit on my computer staring at them......

Oh and don't come at me Rico or I'll have to sic David on you!

My favorite school lunch was Crispito day. It was a corn tortilla filled with beef with cheese melted on top. Super bad for you, I'm sure, but so very tasty. +1 to giant pizza squares too.

Schools are required to meet a certain number of calories per meal (breakfast and lunch). Please note I said calories. Schools are working with very tight budgets, so then the cheapest and highest in calories is junk food and fast food like items.

Watch Food Inc if you haven't. It's a pretty informative documentary about food in the USA today.
If I remember rightly - ketchup was declared a vegetable during the early 80s.

We were told "you are supposed to eat a peck of dirt before you die"

If you wanted a fresh carrot and grew your own - you just pulled it, dusted it off, and ate it.

As for school food - someone fed a lunch to a basset hound that was visiting the cafeteria - you could hear the howls all over the campus.
If I remember rightly - ketchup was declared a vegetable during the early 80s.

We were told "you are supposed to eat a peck of dirt before you die"

If you wanted a fresh carrot and grew your own - you just pulled it, dusted it off, and ate it.

As for school food - someone fed a lunch to a basset hound that was visiting the cafeteria - you could hear the howls all over the campus.

LOL that poor hound!
The hound got his revenge. He'd pick a classroom, go over to the radiator and lift his leg. He wasn't a stray - the owners did live near the school.

I never ate a school lunch. We grew our own veggies, canned and preserved, had a root cellar. We had fruit, too. After looking at rather nasty canned green beans, I would rather go hungry.
ha i wish i could have seen tht! i bet it was the hilight of the day too! And i hear you. .my grandma and mom used to can lots of stuff over the summer and fall and we had the best food all year round. i got so spoiled , that, even to this day i can TASTE the aluminum-canned foods sold in the stores and cant eat it.. if it aint fresh or "canned" from home.. its bad... but now that they arent around (my mom died very young)... i am getting used to eating that aluminum canned stuff.

BUT when i was in school we had to buy oour lunches.. so, instead of buying a school lunch , me and my bro and sis would stop by a store and buy a juice, maybe some chips, etc... (i know we cant get away with that today)

The ONLY thing l loved about school lunches were those thick... i mean, THICK peanutbutter cookeis with the criscross forked imprentations...

and i remember some sort of chocolate/oatmeal square they used to have (
The school lunch I really liked was burrito day. It really wasn't much of a burrito, and they baked then till crispy, but they were soooo goood! I wish I could get them now lol.
My favorite was when I was in catholic school and I forgot my lunch at home. They'd send me over to the convent and the nuns would make me a pb& j sandwich. I always protested since I hated the jelly. They didn't care and made me eat it anyway. Fun times.
I gotta.admit I did like Sloppy-Joe day. Me and my buddy would eat "backwards"...we'd eat dessert first, fries and finally the.Sloppy-Joe. Savimg the (quote )"best"(unquote) for last :D
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