That was FAST wow. Via Fed-Ex.
2.6.29 lg-electronics@android3g5
Original software but d version for US roaming. Awesome!!! Swapped the SIM and it called out. Since they basically gave me this loaner as a replacement to keep I don't know if I'm gonna bother sending in the 2.3.3. Plus I'm feeling lazy today.
I can either:
1 - Send it in and have two 2.1 phones
2 - Try to copy THIS software and get it back on the 2.3.3 phone (Correct me if I'm wrong but you can't do any damage copying/taking things off the phone?? Damage can only be done OVERWRITING stuff?????)
3 -Use the original that is on 2.3.3 to test any future upgrades for a few weeks before upgrading the the replacement phone.
4 -Always keep the replacement on 2.1 and use it till 2.4? is released and then upgrade the phone that is now on 2.3.3. If next upgrade is good then the 2.1 replacment goes in a drawer and I use the original phone till the next bad update and when that happens I can just go back to my TRUSTED 2.1 V10d again and wait until the next good update for the original phone but that way I will ALWAYS have a phone on V10d for standby I can go back to for when things like this happen.
5 -Continue playing around with the 2.3.3 as I am now. Kind of as a learning phone since I read somewhere LG doesn't care and shine plus users are pretty much the only ones left to care about the development of this phone. Which I guess relates to #2. If something happens well I still have a V10d phone.
Bottom Line right now is I am back on V10d!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna copy everything from My SD card and format and the only things to bring back are my music, music videos and pictures. Gonna redownload all my apps fresh and not bother with the stuff that way its all new files. Don't know if I should try to image the software before redoing everything and have a fresh basic copy or do it after everything is put back on so if I have to do this again I wont have to reinstall all my apps.
*Havent even began anything yet and I just got a SMS text from Twitter. Don't know how that works since I haven't set up email or installad the Twitter app yet but I guess thats working lol.