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Help Screen Stays Blank on My Commando

I have looked through similar threads but have not found an answer to this problem. In the last week, I have not been able to unblank my screen. Tapping/pressing the power key does nothing. It is still powered on because I can hear the text and email notifications. I am noticing that the text message light does not come on though when the screen stays blank.

I don't believe the problem is with the screen itself. Each time I take out the battery and put it back, the phone works normally for another half hour or so.

Battery is fine. It happens whether or not it is fully charged and/or plugged in.

My Commando is at M130 and rooted using the method developed by tommytopdrive and Willster419 but I rooted it back in December. Last week, I downloaded the Rando app about the same time I started having problems. I have since uninstalled it but continue to have the blank screen problem.

Restating problem - Commando screen will not wake up when the power button is pressed. I know it is operating because I occasionally can hear notifications and alerts. The only work around is to remove and put back the battery.

Any ideas? Do you think it's a hardware or software problem? If it's hardware, I'll switch it back to stock and get Verizon to replace it.
I agree with LimitedRelease, just do a nandroid restore to a point before you had this problem. since the phone powers on from an off state it could not be hardware. I have had many unusual problems on my many commandos, and out of all of them, (at least 15) only one time it was hardware.

If you dont have a nandroid, you could always flash a ROM via custom recovery...
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