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Sending duplicate texts


Android Expert
Sometimes my Droid sends a text 2 times. I can see my sending 2 of the same texts in the threaded conversation.

It has been happening more often lately. Is anyone having the same issue?
With all contacts or only some?

I know with previous versions of android, if there was a , (comma) in the name of the person you are sending it to, it would send 2 messages.
mine was doing that too when texting a friend with an Iphone. i could only see one sent, but he saw two of the same inbound texts.
I have the same issue. Happens about 4 times a day. I've noticed it usually happens when I "outrun" the phone. Meaning I issue commands with the UI pulling up yet. EX. I hit messaging and start to type and send the (usually short) message before the UI fully boots.
does anyone have a resolution to this? my droid has been sending duplicate texts more than 50% of the time now. i had handscent installed and stopped using it as i thought that was the problem; however, the oem messaging app is doing it too. i uninstalled handscent hoping to fix the problem, but its still sending duplicate texts.

anyone have a solution or know whats going on?
I have the opposite problem, I receive 3 dupe text messages at random. Today however my co-worker, who also has a Droid, said I sent the same message to him 3 times. It only showed on my phone once.
I receive duplicate texts fairly often. They are from different contacts, from people using phones other than the Droid and some on other carriers. I have Google Voice and Handcent installed.
Used to happen often when txting with the (now probably ex) girlfriend. She's on an iPhone. Tested with another friend and it appears that randomly, they will receive duplicate texts from me.

Haven't been txting much in the last month, so I don't know if it's still happening.
I think it's a network/transmission thing, because I've had that happen to me on many different phones, other networks even. So it's not just the Droid and Verizon.
I have a Samsung Moment and it happens at least once a week where some one replies to a text, "Why did you send that 2x/3x?"

I used to use Handcent, then ChompSMS, and now I am back to stock messenger and it still does it.

Whats the deal?
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