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sent phone back

yesterday === POOF!!! Fone no work. Stuck in either LG logo, or can get it to open droid exclamation mark screen. I did NOTHING to this phone as far as root/custom/etc. It just bricked. I tried a few things to try to recover, then went and found the receipt, and off to Ft Worth it went. I KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING TO OTHERS !!!! Look at the other posts about it. WTF? Will it happen to all the L9's out there I wonder?
yesterday === POOF!!! Fone no work. Stuck in either LG logo, or can get it to open droid exclamation mark screen. I did NOTHING to this phone as far as root/custom/etc. It just bricked. I tried a few things to try to recover, then went and found the receipt, and off to Ft Worth it went. I KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING TO OTHERS !!!! Look at the other posts about it. WTF? Will it happen to all the L9's out there I wonder?

From what I understand, those having this issue have also tried rooting and unlocking their bootloaders. This is the first time I've heard of this phone bricking under the claim that it was never rooted/unlocked or tampered with.
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Glad you guys did not have this issue. No factory reset possible- I diddled around with it for an hour just to get the droid with the open chest cavity with the universal 'oh shnit' sign. I tried repeated to restore through the LG tool, the one that quit working about 2 weeks ago, but it got to about 27% restore and crashed every time.

No root- no rom - a jellybean OTA update was as wild as it got. I think we bought ours at about the same time Mary- I got it in late Jan early Feb 2013

Just called LG- fed ex has picked it up from them and it is somewhere in transit.
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