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Help Seriously considering HTC One X....help!


Well-Known Member
i want to switch but i kind of don't want to. next to my experience with sense being aweful why else should i stay? (i plan on using an alternate launcher anyway)
Okay i think i'm better now lol. I was having just a bit of buyers remorse. I got my Gnex about two weeks ago, coming from iphone 4s. LOVED the camera on that phone and i'm a bit dissapointed with the camera on the Gnex. Saw some impressive pictures from the HTC One X and was thinking about making the jump. Saw an article about EVO 3D having to wait till june for ICS though and remembered that speedy updates was one of the reasons i went with the GNex in teh first place.
if you know what you are doing with the camera, it can take some GREAT pics.
all taken with my Gnex...all images are edited in some way though. mostly just filters



The One X is a significantly superior phone.(Next gen vs last gen) If you can just trade it with no cost it is absolutely a no brainer at all. The only time this is ever a question is if you need to spend significant money to make the switch then the debate comes on if it's worth it or not for the money.
I'm not sure what carrier OP is with. Jumping to One X is not option for Verizon, T-mobile folks yet. Only AT&T got it recently but they don't have Gnex.

I'm not fan of fixed battery, no micro sd design. It won't matter much if battery, internal memory size is big enough. But One X has only 1800mAh, 16Gb.
I'm not sure what carrier OP is with. Jumping to One X is not option for Verizon, T-mobile folks yet. Only AT&T got it recently but they don't have Gnex.

I'm not fan of fixed battery, no micro sd design. It won't matter much if battery, internal memory size is big enough. But One X has only 1800mAh, 16Gb.

Yup the carrier decision is big. If you have Verizon unlimited and you switch you lose that. At&t has a lot less 4g coverage, and Verizon can have better reception depending where you live. There are also people who hate Verizon and people who hate At&t so definitely gotta consider that.
i'm with ATT. currently using the GSM Gnex. Here's the positives: awesome Camera, beautiful phone, i actually like the fixed battery and no sd option, ATT LTE!!!

Negatives: i HATE sense, had a bad HTC experience with the EVO, have to wait on updates, locked bootloader (from what i've read), bloatware, bloatware everywhere
another major negative is the screen size. in all honesty the Gnex is almost too big for me. i find myself switching to use two hands with my phone all the time. don't like it. anyone know if the android phones plan on releasing anything with power that isn't over 4.5"? they just seem to be getting bigger and bigger
another major negative is the screen size. in all honesty the Gnex is almost too big for me. i find myself switching to use two hands with my phone all the time. don't like it. anyone know if the android phones plan on releasing anything with power that isn't over 4.5"? they just seem to be getting bigger and bigger

Isn't One X screen also 4.7"? So it's not any smaller than Gnex. And if you use Camera Zoom FX and try to avoid shake, Gnex can take pretty nice pictures too.

If your area is covered by AT&T's LTE, then One X is pretty good option. Personally if I'm on GSM network and can get HSPA+ speed above 10Mbps, it's non issue with Gnex.
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