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shoild i buy op v or op slider


Jan 31, 2011
I had an optimus v but it fell out of my pocket somewhere and was never able to locate it. i tried using lockout plan b to locate it but had no success. I really liked my optimus v. I want to get another android but don't know if i should get another V or go for the upgrade with the slider. i know the slider has a bigger processor and i think more space too. If anyone has the slider now can you tell me how it performs. I will diffidently get the insurance through vm this time.
Be careful with the insurance. There's a deductible and after a few months of monthly payments you'll end up paying more for the phone should you lose it than going out and buying a new one without insurance. Unless you lose it again within 3 or 4 months. But do your homework first before getting any insurance. There's a reason they offer it (profit), and it's not out of the kindness of their hearts.
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Def agree with the post above me. I would suggest getting the slider. Also, as a side note, get your phone from radioshack or some store like that and get there coverage on it. It's usually cheaper and better then virgin mobiles if you want coverage. Don't throw your money away. Always read what it covers and what it does not. There is no plan in existence that if you lose your phone its covered. Make sure to Install lookout from the getgo so you can locate it next time. Just be careful and get a case. If you want cheap I suggest this one or this one. Its not to bad and protects my v well.
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It really depends on what you want to spend, I don't know if it's all Targets, but Target here has the Optimus V on sale for $99, whereas the slider is going to cost $199. If money is no option, I personally would definitely go with the slider. They also have an HTC phone now for $199, don't know how it compares to the Optimus, but in case you didn't know.
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Here's my review:

I picked the Optimus Slider up today from Best Buy (begrudgingly). The phone is basically the older Optimus V, which I currently have, with a faster processor (800Mhz vs 600Mhz - I could tell a big difference when using the operating system, it's much snappier now), more internal memory (512MB vs 256MB), a physical keyboard, and Anroid 2.3 (vs 2.2). It's really a nice phone that you can tell is made well - the fit and finish is really nice. The keyboard slider works well too - it's a very smooth action that just feels right. My only complaint for this phone is that it has a fairly small screen of 3.2". It's just a little on the small side for browsing webpages and such. Also, now that I think about it, I wish the camera had a flash for it.
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Here's my review:

I picked the Optimus Slider up today from Best Buy (begrudgingly). The phone is basically the older Optimus V, which I currently have, with a faster processor (800Mhz vs 600Mhz - I could tell a big difference when using the operating system, it's much snappier now), more internal memory (512MB vs 256MB), a physical keyboard, and Anroid 2.3 (vs 2.2). It's really a nice phone that you can tell is made well - the fit and finish is really nice. The keyboard slider works well too - it's a very smooth action that just feels right. My only complaint for this phone is that it has a fairly small screen of 3.2". It's just a little on the small side for browsing webpages and such. Also, now that I think about it, I wish the camera had a flash for it.

Have you had any battery issues, I had the V and just got the slide but this battery life is terrible ..
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