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Should i update to android 2.1


Feb 13, 2011
Hi all

newbie here. i have ordered the x10 mini pro and i am ashuming that it will have the 1.6 version on it.

i have been reading a lot of posts that dont like the new 2.1 version. some people have even wanted to go back to the 1.6.

as i am new to the android world and this is my first smartphone i am not really sure if i should update when i get the phone or not.

the main reasons for me getting this phone is the qwerty keyboard, wifi and the good video capture.

i have heard that the x10 mini pro crashes alot. not sure if its the 1.6 or 2.1.

my main concerns are these:

does it effect battery life?

will the phone crash more?

is the camera better or worse?

would i be better to stick to the 1.6 until some of the bugs are worked out or is the 2.1 better than 1.6 and worth the upgrade.

also what is the camera like in the 1.6 firmware.

any help would be great.

thanks :)
I wouldn't say the battery life is any different. The key is to make sure you use the power remote and de-activate anything you don't need on.

I do think that the phone runs slower IMO, but I think it may be down to a bad install. I have a Macbook pro, so I had to borrow my housemates shitty old laptop in order to run PC companion. The thing is about bricked, so I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it didn't upgrade properly.
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after a lot of battery life tweaks i couldnt get more than 3 days out of it. i turned everything off and only used it for texting and phone calls. being this was not what i brought it for i sent it back.

i now have a nokia c3-00. i have been on the internet with it, used the camera and sent alot of texts. i charged it yesturday and it still shows as having a full battery. i have used it as much as i did the x10 mini pro but the battery is still full. so i am happy with my nokia and will not be looking to change.

the x10 mini pro is a great phone but the battery life is just not good enough.

i do miss the camera on it.

good luck to all you x10 mini pro owners. hopefully they will give you the update you all want.

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