I most certainly agree, they are sad places. But isn't it up to the tribal leaders of the more than 150 or so Indian tribes/nations to help their own? Because of tribal law, helping apparently must come from tribal leadership; I gather it can be very difficult for whites to help. They will always accept the cash, but no guarantees your money will buy bricks and fire hoses and food.
It is estimated that income from Indian casinos is in excess of 55 Billion dollars. The states where the casinos exist as well as the casino corporations get most of the money. Apparently. Perhaps some of that cash (the amount I mentioned is not necessarily the profit, just raw earnings) or more of it can go to help the Indian people?
I did a little research to see what these casinos earn and it is a tricky and complicated thing. There is more to it than just a nice and easy way to provide for a tribe. I gather it is a dirty business with lots of secret deals and backroom crap that makes a definitive answer a tough thing to assess.
I know I cannot open a casino in Utah, and that is not fair, is it? Or is it a case of the Indians keeping the white man down? Big Smiley.
If we were to provide reparations, it is not clear to me from most posts that anyone has any ideas, just keep saying we should help. There were perhaps 8 or 9 Utah tribes. Do they All get a check? Where does their land end and another person or tribes lands begin? This is very complicated and before reparations can be handed out, many undeterminable things must be determined.
At least the lawyers will prosper.