No they dont. When they want to interact with the federal government they have to interact with bureau of land management and native american affairs. No native american tribe is allowed to run for congress or senate for their tribe, they must run for the state. What you are point out is ok, is an injustice. If you wanted to run for senate for your state, should have to hide under your neighboring state? If you should want to have a passport, should you be forced to get one from canada or mexico, when you are a usa citzen. But native americans are forced to get usa passports, even though they are independent nations. But even has independent nations, they are forced all foreign political will to a system that does not represent them as a culture, a people, or a nation.
How are they not allowed to run for Congress or Senate when they are considered to be US citizens and have all the voting rights of US citizens? We've had Native American Senators and Congressmen before. The Senator from Colorado represents everyone in Colorado including the Native Americans who live there.
Bottom line, can a native american run for senate for washington state, yes he can. But can he run for senate for his own tribe, no he can not. Is his nation 100% under the control of the united states, yes it is.
Do you want Native Americans to have sovereign states or do you want them to be able to have their own tribal representatives in Congress? You can't have it both ways? And their state is not 100% under control of the US. They have freedom to pass their own laws on their reservations, adjudicate their own cases and collect taxes if they choose to do so.
They have no representations or true autonomy. You can form a reglious group that has more rights in the federal government then any native American nation.
No religious group that I know of has the ability to toss their own members in the clink after due process and a conviction.
Your logic is full of holes. First of all, you pay a federal tax and a land tax. Those have nothing to do with the services you mentioned.
My federal taxes go to fund national defense, the morons on capital hill, Social Security, etc..... My land taxes go to fund the services that protect/serve my land - fire, ems, police, etc......
As for your second point - how is that the same as my example? am I living in an area that was legally owned by your grandfather?
So I have done wrong by legally purchasing a home in an area I choose to live in? I did not defraud anyone. I did not defame anyone. The documents and paperwork are all on file at the courthouse. Yet I should pay because someone I'm not even related to screwed over someone else who is long since dead over 200 years ago? Where is the logic there?
once again, for the FOURTH time now - I AM NOT SAYING THEY SHOULD RECEIVE MONEY. did everyone read it that time?
You said, "you would pay the same amount of taxes you do now, the only difference being that a portion of it would go to the tribe who rightfully owns the land you're on. " That's what you said. That's where I got that you were saying Native Americans should receive money. Perhaps I misunderstood somehow??
No one is saying it's your fault or that you owe native americans money because of discrimination. I'm simply saying they should be given the land that is legally theirs. If the land belongs to them, they would probably receive some kind of land tax as a tribe. Not a check to individual people.
But I'm currently living on it. Can they really make a legal claim to the land 200 years later? Let's say someone comes up to me today and wants my house and my land. Let's say they flat out con me out of it. It's a 100% con and I fall for it and they get my house and my land. No question it's illegal. Now, fast forward 200 years. It's 2200. My descendent is flying around in his car now. Can he sue the descendent of the person who screwed me out of my land centuries earlier to get that land bacK? I think not.
you keep bringing up discrimination, it's not about that. what the united stated government did was ILLEGAL. it's as simple as that. quit acting like you would be somehow inconvenienced by a group getting what's rightfully theirs.
I never said what the US did wasn't wrong. I said it was done centuries centuries ago by people long since dead against people long since dead. I'm Chinese. My grandfather was illegally discriminated against as recently as the late 1940s just because he was Asian. People couldn't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese therefore they hated him despite the fact he won a Medal of Honor fighting for the US in WWII. He is still alive. Is he entitled to some sort of reparations? Absolutely not. Am I entitled to some sort of reparations because he was treated in a way that is illegal? Absolutely not. Not even close.