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Small Tablets take over Smart Phones

Back when I was on Helio, I had two phones and it was trivial to go to the web and swap out which was active - because sometimes a simple, small, tough, flip-phone is really all you need to carry. I understand that is similarly easy to do with a number of carriers, so anyone interested in the two phone strategy should check that out, as I guess it varies by carrier.

I didn't know that the BT800 was so finicky, no wonder they discontinued them.

I now go with a wired headset, I like the sound quality. I guess that makes me look like I'm wearing an old hearing aid or transistor radio. I don't worry about it any more than I did borging up with Bluetooth - probably I'm so drop dead handsome that people are going to stare and smile no matter how I roll. Speaking of, rotf!

In any case, I still think that the overall idea works for a multi function BT with a tablet, but I guess I don't know what the right one would be.
Sprint allows the user to.. Swap phones online...

When it works, which is not 100% of the time. Also not an entirely user friendly experience to do routinely. Wouldn't it be nice if the providers would provide some sort of shared plan where you could have multiple devices sharing the same data/minute pool instead of demanding separate plans for each device? Right now, it's like a gas station forbidding you to use the gas from their pump for both your car and your lawnmower.
I think 1 hand operation is a must for phones so 5.5" may be about the biggest reasonable size IMO of course if they make them more along the lines of the Gnex with the all glass front and little to no bezel they may be able to get a little larger.

You must have huge hands if you can 1 hand operate a 5.5" device. My Droid X is about the limit of my hands, and the GNex is too big for me, I can't hold it in one hand and be able to reach the top opposite corner with my thumb. I don't want a phone any bigger than the GNex, and id prefer a touch smaller, actually. I want easy portability for my phone, and if I want a bigger screen, I'll just grab my rooted Nook Tablet to bring along too.
You must have huge hands if you can 1 hand operate a 5.5" device. My Droid X is about the limit of my hands, and the GNex is too big for me, I can't hold it in one hand and be able to reach the top opposite corner with my thumb. I don't want a phone any bigger than the GNex, and id prefer a touch smaller, actually. I want easy portability for my phone, and if I want a bigger screen, I'll just grab my rooted Nook Tablet to bring along too.

To each their own. I think VZW has actually been trying to drive pople to the iPhone by not offering smaller screen top of the line android devices. The size of the gnex has not been an issue for me in operating my phone. I don't think I have overly large hands (maybe a overly large hand but the other is at most average size)

My guess is that as the screen size increases the OS will evolve ways to adapt to use 1 hand functions for things that are often used with 1 hand (dialer use)
Why don't small tablets take over the smart phone by just including a bluetooth headset? That way you have your better media cosumption device (maybe a creator as well) and don't look so dorky holding up a huge device up to your face.

Lets not forget the PIONEER of tablet phones: The Dell Streak! (I live in mine). Too bad Dell didnt do a better job marketing and promoting the Streak, they were ahead of the game untill they dropped the ball.

My streak (even without all the updates) is better than any smartphone Ive owned. And I use bluetooth all the time for calling anway, so it wasnt a big adjustment to using a bluetooth over holding the device to my face.

I love tablet/phones!

Love the large screen-estate


Lets not forget the PIONEER of tablet phones: The Dell Streak! (I live in mine). Too bad Dell didnt do a better job marketing and promoting the Streak, they were ahead of the game untill they dropped the ball.

My streak (even without all the updates) is better than any smartphone Ive owned. And I use bluetooth all the time for calling anway, so it wasnt a big adjustment to using a bluetooth over holding the device to my face.

I love tablet/phones!

Love the large screen-estate

Dell Streak Rendezvous Commercial - Extended Version - YouTube


I understand your love for your phone but I think that the Streak may have hindered the progression to larger screen devices due to Dell's failure to market it well. When other OEM see that it didn't do as well as smaller phones it tells them that the size is what stood out with it so the market doesn't want phones that size at this point. I think that the tide is turning with other larger phones becoming the norm but had Dell put some marketing force behind the Streak I think we would have gotten here sooner :D
I understand your love for your phone but I think that the Streak may have hindered the progression to larger screen devices due to Dell's failure to market it well. When other OEM see that it didn't do as well as smaller phones it tells them that the size is what stood out with it so the market doesn't want phones that size at this point. I think that the tide is turning with other larger phones becoming the norm but had Dell put some marketing force behind the Streak I think we would have gotten here sooner :D

You sir, are correct. Also, Dell had many opportunities to re promote and be ontop of the trend...they dropped it in the U.S. , right when large-screen devices were takimg on. They still sell and support the Streaak overseas but stopped here "at home"....now that is odd
You sir, are correct. Also, Dell had many opportunities to re promote and be ontop of the trend...they dropped it in the U.S. , right when large-screen devices were takimg on. They still sell and support the Streaak overseas but stopped here "at home"....now that is odd

My guess would be the age of the device and specs are getting outdated. I could see it getting picked up by a smaller carrier perhaps but AT&T has plenty of higher end phones and lower end phones that used to be high end but were more successful.
My guess would be the age of the device and specs are getting outdated. I could see it getting picked up by a smaller carrier perhaps but AT&T has plenty of higher end phones and lower end phones that used to be high end but were more successful.

The Streak as it is in the US, is dead and outdated. It would take re releasing after its been overhauled internally before it can be considered a high end again. Dell misled its customers back in Aug 2011 when they posted a note on the site stating the streak is being pulled from the shelves f our some major changes internally.....then a few weeks later, announced t he end of the streak in the U.S. only. Its still being supported and sold overseas.
The Streak as it is in the US, is dead and outdated. It would take re releasing after its been overhauled internally before it can be considered a high end again. Dell misled its customers back in Aug 2011 when they posted a note on the site stating the streak is being pulled from the shelves f our some major changes internally.....then a few weeks later, announced t he end of the streak in the U.S. only. Its still being supported and sold overseas.

Why would they bother trying to sell something where it isn't selling but the way they announced it sounds bad.

Just saw this ASUS Teases Padfone Announcement [Video]

I really think this could be the best combo for phone/tablets but I could see carriers trying to charge you for 2 data plans if they picked up on it, which I wouldn't be too thrilled about.
Why would they bother trying to sell something where it isn't selling but the way they announced it sounds bad.

Just saw this ASUS Teases Padfone Announcement [Video]

I really think this could be the best combo for phone/tablets but I could see carriers trying to charge you for 2 data plans if they picked up on it, which I wouldn't be too thrilled about.

There were claims that the streak was doing well in other countries. And dell "claim" that was why they decided to pull out of the U.S. Market and focus streak sales overseas.

People are or were as of 2011 , snatching these up. I still like mine. I mean, I can do just about anything on this thing that I do on a laptop. Even the pics you see me post, most of them are edited while im at work, from the streak and posted. Even browsing is in full site browsing and not "mobile browsing"..call quality excellent and perfect for conference calls.

Thats why its so hard for me to find the perfect phone as a replacement
There were claims that the streak was doing well in other countries. And dell "claim" that was why they decided to pull out of the U.S. Market and focus streak sales overseas.

People are or were as of 2011 , snatching these up. I still like mine. I mean, I can do just about anything on this thing that I do on a laptop. Even the pics you see me post, most of them are edited while im at work, from the streak and posted. Even browsing is in full site browsing and not "mobile browsing"..call quality excellent and perfect for conference calls.

Thats why its so hard for me to find the perfect phone as a replacement

Is the Galaxy Note not an option for you? I'm still loving mine, all that screen real estate makes a huge difference. I don't know if i could ever switch to a smaller phone again. 5.3" is the perfect size for me, I would only go smaller if I bought something similar to the Padphone.
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