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So, I'm going iPhone

The deal has turned into a ginormous cluster f---. Guy who was going to trade me the phone found out that it has no warranty due to a jacked up situation. Then the VZW store told me that they couldn't trade the 16 GB version I bought for a 64 GB version because I had made the purchase online. So I had to return it and buy the 64 GB version that he wanted so we could swap and I'm still waiting for it to come in. Hopefully it'll be in Monday, but graduation is Friday. So I'll have to ship this phone and wait for the other one to come in and run down to T-Mobile and test the phone to make sure it actually works and all before Friday.

TLDR - The iPhone experiment is probably not gonna happen. You poor schmucks are probably stuck with me here.
Drat stuck with you...[sends Rico a PM to cancel the party;):p]

Sounds frustrating let us know of you get it done before Friday...Gratz to your brother on graduating:thumbup:
Sounds frustrating let us know of you get it done before Friday...Gratz to your brother on graduating:thumbup:

The phone comes in today. So I have to get pics of it, switch service to it, and switch back to my DInc2, then pack it up and ship it out. Good times.

I told my brother he should celebrate since this will probably be his only graduation. His plan is to live at home and take online courses from a community college. He also plans to work on expanding his vending machine business. He's already heavily leveraged there. He owns like 14 machines and owes money on 10 of them. He plans to buy more vending machines and leverage them also. It sounds like a really, really bad idea to me, but my parents fully support this plan. He also knows that as long as he's at home he gets free room and board and mom does his laundry and they pay his bills so why would he skip out on that?
Sounds like he has it made. I knew some folks in the vending machine game worked well for them for a while but they didn't insure the machines and had like 5 vandalized in a month which hurt them...you sound like a good brother. Hopefully the phone will work as he needs it to.
I don't know how good a brother I am. He and I do not get along at all. We could not be more opposite in personalities. He's in to the latest fads and being cool and having stuff at all costs. I live rather simply and don't really care what people think of me (which probably shows here sometimes and gets me into trouble all the time). He and I do not get along very well and honestly if we weren't related I probably would have little to do with him. I suppose that could be said for a lot of people's relatives though.
Your not my brother are you? Lol

Except you can't be cos I am you....in my brother relationship, except mine doesn't have a vending machine business but works in bk instead.lol

Ok now its coming into the rant forums :-P
Sounds like me and my sister ;)

Nah, me and my sister get along famously. We beat the crap out of each other as kids (well, she usually beat me up), but sorted out all our differences a really, really long time ago and get along great now. I don't care for how her husband treats her at all as he literally does no work around the house. He's the guy so it's not his job to cook, clean, watch the kids, etc.... He once woke her up after they had got into town really late because he needed someone to fix his breakfast and iron his clothes. But she is completely thrilled with this relationship. Ticks me off though, but it's not my place to tell people they should not be happy as clams when they are.
Nah, me and my sister get along famously. We beat the crap out of each other as kids (well, she usually beat me up), but sorted out all our differences a really, really long time ago and get along great now. I don't care for how her husband treats her at all as he literally does no work around the house. He's the guy so it's not his job to cook, clean, watch the kids, etc.... He once woke her up after they had got into town really late because he needed someone to fix his breakfast and iron his clothes. But she is completely thrilled with this relationship. Ticks me off though, but it's not my place to tell people they should not be happy as clams when they are.

I hear you. I like my sister most of the time but her boyfriend isn't exactly what I would want for her...she seems to like him however so why should I speak up when it isn't really my place to tell her what she should/shouldn't do...
Yup. That's where I am. She is definitely happy and I know her well enough to know she's not just faking it and really is happy. It just bugs me to see him treat her that way. She'll be out shopping and he'll call and tell her she needs to come home because he's hungry. She can tell him there are leftovers in the fridge all day long, but it doesn't matter. He won't make them for himself. The man literally is helpless. It's sad.
The phone comes in today. So I have to get pics of it, switch service to it, and switch back to my DInc2, then pack it up and ship it out. Good times.

I told my brother he should celebrate since this will probably be his only graduation. His plan is to live at home and take online courses from a community college. He also plans to work on expanding his vending machine business. He's already heavily leveraged there. He owns like 14 machines and owes money on 10 of them. He plans to buy more vending machines and leverage them also. It sounds like a really, really bad idea to me, but my parents fully support this plan. He also knows that as long as he's at home he gets free room and board and mom does his laundry and they pay his bills so why would he skip out on that?

Just as a heads up - jailbreak for nearly all iDevices (which means anything newer than the 3G) will be available this week. Only stipulation is the iDevice must be on iOS 5.1.1. It is literally a one click of the mouse jailbreak. One of the easiest I have seen since jailbreakme.com

Your brother can have widgets, swipe, whatever he wants. Enjoy. The name of the jailbreak is Absinthe v2.0
It is literally a one click of the mouse. One of the easiest I have seen since jailbreakme.com

That's wild. Doesn't sound near as nerve racking (to me) as rooting an Android.
Is that method "brick-proof"?

Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but I want to tell this to a buddy of mine that wants/scared to root his 4s.

Thank you.
That's wild. Doesn't sound near as nerve racking (to me) as rooting an Android.
Is that method "brick-proof"?

Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but I want to tell this to a buddy of mine that wants/scared to root his 4s.

Thank you.

There have been 1 click roots for many android devices...they may get broken by new versions of Android however. Personally I like more involved root methods since they require some knowledge to get working and if the person later soft bricks the phone (flashing something...taking an OTA) they learn some and will have less issues getting their phone back working ;)
That's wild. Doesn't sound near as nerve racking (to me) as rooting an Android.
Is that method "brick-proof"?

Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but I want to tell this to a buddy of mine that wants/scared to root his 4s.

Thank you.

It is near impossible to brick an iphone doing a software modification (unless you write a code to fry the phone's radio or attempt to install ipad baseband onto an iphone. And I've only read about that. Hav3n't seen it personally.)

In a previous version of iOS with the 3GS, you simply typed in JailbreakMe 3.0 in the browser and your phone was jailbroken. This is similar to that in simplicity (based on the video and what the Dev Team that made it has said.) These guys are currently in Amsterdam at the Hack In The Box conference, which ends Friday and why I expect the jailbreak to be released that same day.
Just as a heads up - jailbreak for nearly all iDevices (which means anything newer than the 3G) will be available this week. Only stipulation is the iDevice must be on iOS 5.1.1. It is literally a one click of the mouse jailbreak. One of the easiest I have seen since jailbreakme.com

Your brother can have widgets, swipe, whatever he wants. Enjoy. The name of the jailbreak is Absinthe v2.0

Tethered or untethered?
The 4S I ordered came in yesterday. It looked incredibly tiny. I was afraid to touch it. I activated it, switched service back to my DInc2 and shipped it off to the guy on XDA who has no yet provided me tracking info for the phone he's supposed to ship back. So I'm a bit wary at this point.
3.5 inch screen...Yeah pretty small...I don't blame you for being worried...hopefully he is a stand up guy and won't try anything funny :)
He was supposed to send me $200 Paypal before I shipped anything and he did do that which makes me think he's on the up and up. I dunno. If I can pull this deal off I basically got a factory unlocked 64 GB 4S for less than $200 which just sounds too good to be true.
I always have mixed feelings. I can almost always get a ridiculously good deal, but there's always this voice in the back of my head telling me it's going to go south.
It is near impossible to brick an iphone doing a software modification (unless you write a code to fry the phone's radio or attempt to install ipad baseband onto an iphone. And I've only read about that. Hav3n't seen it personally.)

In a previous version of iOS with the 3GS, you simply typed in JailbreakMe 3.0 in the browser and your phone was jailbroken. This is similar to that in simplicity (based on the video and what the Dev Team that made it has said.) These guys are currently in Amsterdam at the Hack In The Box conference, which ends Friday and why I expect the jailbreak to be released that same day.

Does anyone make such a thing for a Droid III...Actually, all I desire to do is remove apps that came with the phone that I do not desire or use. I am happy with my carrier (Verizon).

Getting rid of the dross apps is more of a crusade than anything else. I am deeply offended the phone, unlike a computer, comes with junk one cannot remove.
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